Learning the Patronus Charm & Clap of Style.

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Third person's point of view.

After winter holidays, Rayvan spent more time with Harry, she learned from Sirius before she left that Harry felt angry all the time and worried about it, asking her to watch out for him if she could she agreed adding it onto the already huge workload she already had. Harry and Rayvan had been about to walk into the school when Hermione and Ron flagged them down. "Harry! Harry!" when they stopped Hermione smiled, "Hagrid's back."

Without question or hesitation, the four of them took off, running Rayvan shifted having not done so in months and got there before Harry and the others, "Rayvan that's cheating!" Ron called after her, but she didn't care, getting to the Hutt's doors she waited for the others to join her before knocking. With her hand raised to knock she stopped. Inside she could hear Umbridge demanding of Hagrid.

But he wouldn't say where he went, only that he was away for his health. He wasn't really putting up a good front on that, as he spends most of his time outside, telling him not to unpack really pissed Rayvan off, as Umbridge came out Rayvan was ready to eat her but Harry reached out and grabbed her hiding her in the tucked corner of Hagrid's hut. Spraying her nasty perfume, she sighed then walked off.

Rayvan and the others rushed inside to avoid being seen and nearly gave Hagrid a heart attack. Sitting the four of them had tea while Hagrid nursed a black eye among other things. Rayvan didn't like seeing the friendly half-giant in pain and got up, rolling her sleeves she borrowed Hagrid's kitchen and mixed up a cream for him to use that would soothe the pain and heal the cuts quicker.

"This is top-secret, right?" he started as Rayvan put the cream, Fang had been drooling for the meat Hagrid had been using and tossed it to the dog to shut him up, "Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants." amazed Hermione asked to make sure, "Giants?" but everyone shushed her, "You found them." she added still amazed, "Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest. They're so big, see?"

Hermione leaned back in her seat, "I tried to convince them to join the cause, but I wasn't the only one there trying to win them over." patting on my cream Hagrid winced, "Sorry." Rayvan apologized, "Death Eaters." Ron answered and Hagrid nodded, "Yes, trying to persuade them to join you-know-who." curious Harry wanted to know if they joined, "I gave them Dumbledore's message, suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them, I suppose." curious now to the state of his face Harry guessed.

"They did this to you?" Hagrid got uncomfortable, "Not exactly, no." frowning they worried because that didn't answer their question. When the wind picked up and thunder rumbled Hagrid stood by the window, "It's changing out there, just like last time. There's a storm coming, Harry. We'd all best be ready when she does."


For the next several weeks the news was covered in reports on the escaped prisoners from Azkaban. Slytherins poked and jabbed at Rayvan because her Father was being blamed for the escaped prisoners, the Minister was pinning the blame on Sirius and called him a mass murder, but it wasn't true. Not that anyone would believe her, she's the daughter of an escapee her word would mean nothing.

Rayvan, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were heading to lunch when Seamus stopped them on their way to their seats, "Harry...I, uh...I wanted to apologize. Now even me Mum says the things the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So, what I'm really trying to say is that I believe you." Rayvan smiled when she saw Harry crack a small grin. Hermione and Ron also smiled and Rayvan couldn't help but hug the two of them before saying that she was hungry and walked off to eat.


Back in the Room of Requirement, Harry and Rayvan approached Nevile as he was staring at the previous Order of the Pheonix. "Nevile?" Rayvan called as they stepped up beside him, "Fourteen years ago... ago a Death Eather named Bellatrix Lestrange used the Crusiatus Curse on my parents. She tortured them for information, but they never gave in. I'm quite proud to be their son." But he looked unsure of something.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now