Saving Lives & Truly Seen, Truly Free.

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Third Person's Point of View.

Sitting in the shrubs of the Forbidden Forest, Harry, Hermione and Rayavn waited for the group to exit the tree. Rayvan was unwilling to talk and shifted to avoid such tedious and idle chat. And left that to the other two while she believed in resting, what with not doing so in the hospital like she should.

So instead of staying with these two she got up and went in search of Buckbeak a much more lovely companion. Finding him she shifted back and he trotted to her side to rub against her, "hello, Bucky." He blinked at her wondering why she called him that but loved it anyway, and nudged her even more to show he loved the name,

Rayvan rubbed his head and stroked his beak. Just overall showering him with love and affection. Three echoing howls drew her attention as she turned to run towards the sound Buckbeak sprinted after her and threw her onto his back.

She smiled at the marvel of this and guided him to where the screams and yips of pain, seeing where her Uncle disappeared and into the familiar shrubs that Harry and Hermione were in. At full gallop she and Buckbeak chased the crazed werewolf and the two tweens that were crazy enough to to beckon her uncle.

They had found them just about to be mauled but, Rayvan and Buckbeak scared away the moon-crazed lanky wolf. "Poor Professor Lupin." Hermione pitied, "don't pity him, tonight is all on him." Rayvan chassis. "Rayvan where did you go?" Harry asked helping her down, "I went to find Buckbeak, I wanted to spend time with him." Rayvan said banally.

Frowning Harry just shook it off before remembering where Sirius was at this point, chasing after him he stopped across the lake, and watched as himself and Rayvan's father were continually were attacked by the dementors. "This is horrible." Hermione whimpered softly, "don't worry my dad will come, and he will conjure the Patronus." Rayvan was itching to jump in and do it herself before her dad could be even more seriously hurt.

As Harry kept insisting that it would be his dad Rayvan jumped in and ripped out her wand. "Expecto Patronum!!" She roared, just as Harry jumped in behind her; her Patronus in the shape of a large Snake, blasting away all the dementors and saving both Harry and her Dad.

When the spell ended, Harry caught Rayvan as she was about to fall, "why did you do that?" She shook her head "my father...I needed to save least once." She panted out Harry chuckled and carried her back over to Hermione.


Now recovered and on Buckbeak the three 13-year-old flew to the Dark Tower, Harry explaining that it was Rayvan and himself that he saw, her Patronus with his body shape is what gave him the impression of his father. As Rayvan steered the Hippogriff to the approaching tower she dipped left making Hermione scream,

Harry laughed while she giggled herself. On top of the tower, the trio landed swiftly and dismounted just as quick Rayvan with the flick of her wrist had her wand out and the spell rolling off her tongue, "Bombarda!" With the gate open, and Sirius out, he scooped his daughter into his arms in one of the many hugs that Rayvan had dreamed of sharing with her both or either of her parents.

Now on Buckbeak, the poor creature was forced to carry four people, but with Sirius's prison weight-loss it was more three and a half. Which wasn't as bad. Flying Sirius sat behind Rayvan with Harry and Hermione behind him. He laughed and cheered like a little boy, wooting and roaring with joy while Hermione got queazy with the height and all the tipping and turning Buckbeak did.

Harry along with Rayvan loves how free Sirius acted and their smiles only got bigger. Landing in the quad Hermione took the Hippogriff to drink from the fountain while Sirius pulled Rayvan and Harry aside. "I'll be forever grateful for this to all three of you." He added when Hermione came back, "We want to go with you." Rayvan said without hesitation. "One day, perhaps. For some time, my life will be too unpredictable. And besides..."

He started putting his hands on either of Rayvan and Harry's shoulders. "You're meant to be here." "But you're innocent." Harry snapped Sirius knelt in front of the two and smiled "and you know it, and for now that'll do." Turning to Harry he cupped the side of his face and smirked: "I expect your tired of hearing this but you look so like your father, except your eyes, you have–"

"my mother's eyes." They both chuckled softly together, and Rayvan got up to give them man to man bonding time while she 'saved' Hermione from the hippogriffs grooming skills. The short raventte patted the big bird's neck and head muttering softly to him as he nudged her affectionately. "Rayvan, my darling." Turning to her father's voice he smiled

"you are an amazing Witch, just like your mother, I'm sorry you got so little time with her and now me, I wish I could take you two with me, but as I stated before it would be harder on you two than it would me, here I have something for you, I got it right after I escaped, I had someone hold onto it for me, it would have been a sweet sixteen present but with the situation as it is I don't think I would be able to give it to you on that birthday."

Digging into his pocket he pulled out a silver locket with a wolf head on it. Opening it inside were two photos one was the blond woman Rayvan came to know as her mother Laurana Gryffindor with her Father and a baby whom was obviously Rayvan and on the other side was Lily with Remus holding baby Rayvan,

 Opening it inside were two photos one was the blond woman Rayvan came to know as her mother Laurana Gryffindor with her Father and a baby whom was obviously Rayvan and on the other side was Lily with Remus holding baby Rayvan,

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But it was clear in the background that Sirius and James were talking and holding baby Harry. Rayvan smiled at the photos and closed the locket and hung it around her neck. Looking to her father he kissed her forehead and then leapt onto Buckbeak,

Rayvan turned to the winged creature and tapped his beak softly, "you take care of my papa now." The Hippogriff chirped and tossed his head before galloping and flying off. With tears in her eyes Rayvan watched her father fly towards freedom an arm over her shoulder pulled her into a warm chest and she sobbed a little before she was pulled into a sprint Hermione saying we needed to return to the hospital wing before the last bell stroke.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora