Quidditch Tryouts.

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Third person's point of view.

Even though Rayvan and Harry were not talking, or technically she was talking to him, she was still able to talk with her co-captain of the team, figuring out what needed to be done, she went over it with him once, before leaving and letting him keep the layout for the tryouts, she not wanting to stay around him for any longer then she had to, so when she arrived at the Pitch that next morning, she found Harry struggling to round everyone up,

"Okay, so this morning, I'm gonna be putting you all for a few drills just to assess you straight. Quiet, please!" no one but Ron was listening, Rayvan had been fixing her forearm guard when she had lost her temper with these idiots, "ENOUGH!" she roared and everyone stopped, they looked at her and quickly faced her and Harry, "Just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year. Is that clear?" she snapped,

"Yes, Ma'am!" they all answered, "Good." she said and turned to Ginny who was third in command of the team, she would replace either Rayvan herself or Harry should they not be able to play, "Any good players this year?" she asked and Ginny smirked, and nodded over at a guy with a beater's build but a keeper's eye, "Oh yeah, he'll do well, or if he continues to pick on your brother, he'll totally flop," Ginny frowned, 

"How's that?" Rayvan tossed her head over in Hermione's direction and the youngest Weasely figured it out, "Should I cross him off now or later?" Ginny asked, holding up the roster, "Naw, let's see how this plays out, I'm in the mood for a good laugh or two," Ginny chuckled. 


Harry hovered across the pitch from Rayvan as Ginny went through the plays with the Chasers, while they attacked the two keepers on either side, Ron was doing well, while Cormac was doing exceptionally well, normally it was easy to see who would be chosen, but what Rayvan looked for was someone that worked well with the team and didn't play for attention, at one point after blocking the quaffle Ron had slipped from his broom,

Now hanging from the nose of it, he struggled to get back on, and when he did, he blocked Ginny's next shot, when it was the other guy's turn, Rayvan noticed Hermione whisper into her hand like she was sneezing and just as Cormac was going to block his broom shot over to the left letting the quaffle pass him and go into the hoop, on the last run, Ron hung upside down and blocked the ball with his head,


One night while reading on the couch by the fire, Rayvan had fallen asleep, on her chest lay Severus' book, she liked how she felt when reading his writing, it soothed her it was like sitting with Draco, when she was stuck by herself in Gryffindor Tower. Unbeknownst to her, Harry happened to pass by on his way to bed, realizing this would be his only chance to sit near her without dying,

Taking the opportunity, he carefully plucked her glasses from her nose and set them on the small table near the arm of the couch then swiped her book and draped a quilt over her to keep out whatever chill the fire couldn't. Sitting at her feet, he noticed how beaten up the book looked, curious he opened it and skimmed the pages, the spell from the first day jumped out at him as he saw what she had done in class;

And what he had messed up, turning the pages he noticed other things, how different potions were done to make them better and certain pages had little spells scribbled down with what they were used against right next to it, one that peeked at him was a spell called: Sectumsempra. Wondering what it does he committed it to memory, when he knew he'd remember it later without having to look at Rayvan's book,

He closed it and put the book under her glasses before heading to bed himself, what he didn't know was that Rayvan had woken up the second he took the book, she would have let off on him but when he covered her with a blanket she didn't move, faking sleep till his back was turned she watched him thumb through her book, her hand tight on her wand as she was planning to obliviate him if need be,

But he just skimmed only stopping for a long while to read over the pages with the spell Severus created, she couldn't tell if it was the spell he was reading or the pages, so she didn't do anything, and when he moved to leave she closed her eyes and relaxed, the soft thud of her book on the table next to her relaxed her mind and when he was gone she decided that changing the language of the book to keep him from learning from it was a good idea. 

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