Detention with Dolores and Letters To Dad.

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Third person's point of view.

Though Rayvan said she would probably skip detention with Dolores, Dumbledore's words about wanting her to keep her eye on the teacher for him made her go. Standing at the door to the teacher's office, she knocked with a heavy hand. There was a startled gasp and a sharp clatter of a china cup, which told Rayvan that she had scared the woman in the room.

"Come in." she called and Rayvan opened the door, the minute the woman's eyes landed on Rayvan a shiver of fear coursed through her. Umbridge hates children, they never listened, were unclean and hormonal. But there has never been a child she has hated more than Rayvan Black. Her mother's attitude and her father's scary gray eyes seemed to give Umbridge the fear of impending doom.

"Let's get this over with." Rayvan hissed and sat in the chair with the desk, "I-I'll be having you w-write lines f-for me today." Umbridge said and set a quill on the table for Rayvan to use. But the minute Rayvan saw it, she knew what it would do. So she nodded to herself. Picking up the quill she twirled in between her fingers, before looking at the teacher, "What am I writing?" Sitting back at her desk Umbridge gulped slightly. "I will not speak out or disrespect my Professor."

Rayvan looked at Umbridge and raised her brow at the pink-clad woman her expression said she was unimpressed with the older woman. Rolling her eyes she turned to the blank sheet and started to write. She wrote so quickly that both side of the sheet filled within the first half hour. Filling out a second sheet she finished within the hour. This, though, was part of her plan. As her words were carved into her arm she made sure that anyone that would use this pen next wouldn't suffer the pain of carving their own lines into their skin.

When two full sheets were covered in her neat cursive words she grabbed her things and left. It wasn't two days later that she got the next person's words carved into the back of her left hand. Hearing from Hermione that Harry had argued with Umbridge the same day that Rayvan had she frowned when she read the words the woman had him write. 'I must not tell lies.' which matched up with what Hermione said the two were arguing about.

Rayvan usually would have gone to Harry and yelled at him for getting into an argument with a teacher but because of who it was and what it was about she was proud of him. And showed so by giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading to bed after hiding out in the bathrooms when Umbridge made another student write lines. These ones appeared on her bicep and weren't as painful as her and Harry's were because of the placement of them.

But as she was going Harry stopped her, "Rayvan wait, come here." sighing she turned and went back. "Yes?" she questioned. "What's on your hand?" letting her wide sleeve slide down and hide her hand, his eyes followed the movement. "Show me your hand." he demanded and she gave him the one unmarked by his words but hers were on this hand. Seeing the bloody words carved into the back of her hand and up her arm, he frowned.

"What is this?" he snapped and she pulled her hand away. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." she said and left before anyone could see the rest.


Dear Padfoot and Moony

I hope you two are all right, it's starting to get colder here. Winter is definitely on the way, in spite of everyone around me here at Hogwarts, I feel more alone than ever. I know you two of all people would understand but somehow it's different. The Headmaster had asked me to watch out for everyone and I feel like I might fail, the weight of losing Cedric is still a weight on my heart.

I had never felt that way about anyone before, I don't even think I ever will, Harry's under a lot of pressure from his OWLs and the fact that no one believes him about what had happened last year. But I do, I know the Dark Lord has returned. Though I have not seen him, I feel him. It's a cold chill I feel constantly down my spine, I hate it. Dealing with everything is finally starting to take its toll.

Sorry I rambled, but I really do want you guys not to worry about me, I'll make sure that I don't do anything too reckless.


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