The Marauder's Map & Who's there?

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Rayvan's Point of View.

It was another weekend in Hogsmeade, and I had gone with Draco, at the demand that I accompany him and he wouldn't take no for an answer, so with his scarf around my neck, because I shivered once he forced me to wear it.

"Come on." He said pulling my hand into the nook of his elbow to keep me with him and away from any of my friends in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. I was with him for almost the whole afternoon and all he did was bad talk about Cedric and Harry, it was getting on my nerves.

"Diggory, is an idiot for letting you get away, and Potter's too much of a wimp to even ask you out–" "and what about you? Are you going to? Or insult the one who did actually ask me out?" I snapped at him, shoving his arm from my shoulders I walked away, ignoring him as he called after me.

Walking past Honeydukes, I notice a floating red sugar pop. Smiling I followed it till we reached the borders of the Shrieking Shack. Ron and Hermione were facing off against Malfoy and his goons. Bending over I made a snowball and whipped it at Draco, it hit him in the side of the face, turning to where it came from he whimpered,

"who was that?" We obviously didn't answer and I threw more snowballs while Harry hidden by his cloak moved closer. "Don't stand there! Do something!" Draco yelled at the two boys with him. "What?" Crabb complained. And had his hat yanked down while Goyle had his pants pulled down.

Struggling to pull them up, Harry kicked him in the ass, sending him face first into the snow. Yanking on Crabb's scarf he spun the guy around as he screamed and while Draco got so scared that he tripped over Goyle still face down in the snow. Grabbing Draco after making Crabb dizzy he dragged him towards the Shrieking Shack,

he screamed and squirmed to get away but Harry had a strong hold on him. "What's up, Malfoy? Lost your skis?" Ron taunted, as the three tried to run, shoving Goyle he shouted: "get out of the way!" And as he climbed past Crabb he shoved him shouting "move!" The two boys called after him but he just kept running.

Ron and Hermione laughed and when Harry stood next to them he tugged softly on Hermione's curls and the wiggled Ron's hat tassels. But this made Ron panic a bit, "Harry!" Hermione giggled making him remove the cloak and laugh with them, "bloody hell, Harry. That was not funny." The two laughed more while Harry patted Ron's arm in comfort.

"Now...where's my partner in crime?" Harry said looking back to where we were when we threw snowballs, jogging out I shuffled carefully down the hill and still tripped, catching me I chuckled and thanked him as I giggled myself.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora