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Third Person's point of view.

Harry sat at the edge of the lake with Neville in the water, his pants rolled up to mid-calf, as he inspected the particulates in it. "Amazing." He muttered "amazing." He repeated something he did often and confused others with him, "Neville. You're doing it again." Looking up from his jar he apologized, "Magical water plants of the Highland lochs"?"

Harry asked confused reading the title of Neville's book, "Oh, yeah Moody gave that to me, the day we had tea." He said with a smirk and waving to the group of students coming to the lake. Hermione was arguing with Ron about the information he had heard from one of the other students. "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid was looking for you."

She said then thought it over making sure she got it right. "Is that right? Well, you–what?" Harry said when he couldn't understand what was said. Running back to Ron he forced her to got back and explained the same thing only much simpler "well you can tell Ronald–" turning on him she shouted "I'm not an owl!" and left with Ginny. Ron glared at Harry and followed after them.


Harry with his cloak of invisibility followed after Hagrid. "Did you bring the cloak like I told ya?" Harry nodded, "Yeah, I brought it, Hagrid what are we doing here?" Hagrid nodded, "you'll see soon enough, now pay attention, this is important." Harry still couldn't get over the way Hagrid looked; like he was ready for a date. "What's with the flower?" He said his confusion and curiosity getting the better of him.

"Hagrid you combed your hair!" He exclaimed shocked by this revaluation. "As a matter of fact I have, you might like to try the same thing every now and again." Hagrid snapped back, just as a roar rang through the forest. Looking around, a woman's French-accented voices called out, "Hagrid." Smiling Hagrid was on the move.

But stopped to tell Harry to hide under his cloak. Following the giddily giant Harry stuck close but not enough to get stomped on, "Bonsoir Olympe." Hagrid greeted, the giant Headmistress of the Beauxbatons smiled, "Oh, Hagrid, I thought perhaps you weren't coming, I thought perhaps you had forgotten me. And that I would have to spend the night with my new friend."

The large woman said gesturing to something by her feet. Harry looked and saw Rayvan in her Animagus form, "I couldn't forget you, Olympe, hello Rayvan." Hagrid said before greeting the small dog compared to the couple, Rayvan heard a soft gag sound and already she knew Harry was here and hidden by his cloak.

"You said there was something you wanted to show me?" She said squeezing the flower on his lapel. "When we spoke earlier, you sounded so...exhilarated." Giving her arms a reassuring squeeze he nodded, "you'll be glad you came, trust me." Leading the four of them to a large group of bushes he moved them aside just as a roar echoed and a blast of fire lit up the clearing.

Maxime gasped, "Oh c'est manifique!" She exclaimed and walked around the bush, "can we get closer?" She asked walking away, Rayvan followed to watch out for her. When the two women were gone Harry yanked the cloak off, "Dragons!? That's the first task! Your joking!" Harry said scared, "come on, Harry these are seriously misunderstood creatures." He explained just as a blast of fire came right to them, ducking Hagrid exclaimed, "Oh, crikey!" Jumping in fright he turned back to the big guy,

"Although, that Horntail, is a right nasty piece of work. Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him, you know." Harry looked up at Hagrid and frowned, "Ron was here?" Hagrid nodded "Oh, sure. His brother Charlie helped bring him over from Romania. Didn't Ron tell you that?" Hagrid explained but Harry shook his head. "No he didn't. He didn't tell me a thing." Hagrid frowned as Harry looked back at the Dragons.


Rayvan Black's point of view.

I sat in the quad with Cedric and our friends, I had told him last night after escaping Maxime what the first task was. Several of our friends along with many other students were walking around with campaign buttons for Cedric on one side and 'Potter stinks' on the other, I was appalled by it and refused to wear one. Laying on a bench with his head in my lap, we were laughing at something I had said to avoid talking about anything to do with the tournament.

When Harry came over. Cedric bolted up and looked at Harry, Camron laughed and pushed out his badge, "read the badge Potter." And the girls and the other laughed I looked at them and they stopped, "may we talk?" He said gesturing to the three of us. I walked behind the two of them as the others taunted Harry,

Cedric turned to snicker but I walked with crossed arms and a raised brow he shrugged softly like he didn't mean it but I was still upset with his behaviour. Getting to a quieter spot Harry turned to us. "Dragons–" "he already knows." I said cutting him off still mad at him for what he did. Pulling me into his side Cedric smiled, "yes, sorry she told me last night I figured you came to talk because of the badges, and I asked them not to wear them, but–"

Harry shook his head, "don't worry about it." And stomped off, I turned to Cedric and frowned, "that was mean, I know you told them but you could have been a bit more forceful about it." Cedric nodded "I won't say that your not right but, it's like a punishment for joining in when he isn't even 17 yet. You can't not agree it's better than him getting away with it." I held in my anger I promised myself I would hold in as much of my temper as possible.

"I understand fully I'm mad at him too but ask other to cool it a bit at least until after the first task." He nodded and kissed my cheek, before returning to the others startled screams and shouts drew me from my own thoughts and I ran to see what was happening.

Moody stood with his wand aimed at Draco about to curse him I reached out as quickly as possible and yanked his hand back punching him with his own closed fist and shooting the spell over Draco and the others heads. The gathering crowed gasped as I stood in front of Draco.

Protecting him from Moody, "little girl, your going to regret that." He hissed and looked just about ready to hit me with a curse but saw McGonagall coming and limped off, Ms. Black, what happened?" Looking at my house mistress I frowned "I saved you a trip to the Headmaster." Sighing she left. The scent Moody gave off wasn't that of the man I met with my Godfather, this was strange and confusing.

Making a mental note to follow Moody and find out what he was hiding, Draco's comment pulled me from my thoughts. "Hehe, blood before house–" I turned and glared at Draco my icy glare cutting him off, "I'm not through with you!" Yanking my arm back I cracked him one, "keep you mouth shut! Or I'll do it for you." With a bleeding nose he ran off Crabb and Goyle right behind him.

Running my sore knuckles I caught sight of Harry out the corner of my eyes, "I DIDN'T DO IT FOR YOU! SO WIPE OFF THE SMIRK!" I shouted his grin dropped instantly and I walked off. The whole quad was silent but I couldn't care less.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now