Heartbreak and Blinding Rage.

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Third person's point of view.

When Rayvan followed Hermione back to a floored Harry, she used her massive body to get to Harry, though she didn't have to push much because as soon someone saw her they'd jump out of the way, getting to Harry she shifted back and hauled him to his feet. "Let's get out of here." She said and pulled him out of the still cheering crowd. When they were far enough away she let him sit,

"What did he show you?" She asked holding his face so he locked eyes with her, Hermione had run off to find Ron, leaving to two of them alone. Something Harry didn't want because of what he saw and the face that he was now going to have to tell her, "he was torturing Sirius." Her grip on his shoulders was tight but he didn't move, except to grab her hands and make her focus on him now. "We'll save him, I promise."

Harry said sure that she would smile and agree or at least nod and acknowledge his statement but she only seemed to be deep in thought. "It a trap," She said and leaned away from him, "what?" Harry question, "Why would you think that?" He snapped, "Because I know what he's doing and if you had read that book I gave you for Christmas on Legilimency and Occlumency that either caster can send thoughts and images with enough practice."

She said, "it's possible that Voldemort wants something and is using your feelings for my Dad to get you to find it for him." What she said was filled with so much logic, that Harry had a hard time deciding on whether he should believe what he saw to what she said. "I need time to figure this out, don't do anything stupid, in the mean time read that book and ask Snape or myself if you have questions."

She said and walked off. Ron and Hermione showed up just as she left. "Where is she going?" Ron asked, Harry shrugged but steeled himself for what he was about to do next. "We need to get to the ministry."


Rayvan had left Harry alone for almost twenty-four hours when she realized he had done exactly what she didn't want him to. The Order of the Phoenix had gotten word of Harry and his friends being attracted by Death Eaters and so she left with them to help. She had apparated with them and showed up just in time to pull Harry out of the way of a spell casted by Lucius, "Do you ever listen when someone tells you something?"

She growled and he gave her an apologetic smile, "at least I know now that your right." He said, punching him in the arm she glared, "that's no the point, now move, get the others." She snapped and he nodded getting up she hexed anyone that followed Harry, while dodging and blocking returned hexes from other Death Eaters. When she saw all of her friends huddled together with Harry,

She moved to stand in front of them and fight off Lucius. "Foolish girl," he hissed casting at her twice as hard. Blocking and casting back she was becoming the single target of several Death Eaters. That is until her Father jumped to her aid and they fought off several Death Eaters together. Lucius glared and fought twice as hard but with both of the Blacks fighting it was a losing battle for him.

And it showed when she Stupefy-ed him stupid. "Nice one, Rayvan!" Sirius said as he finished off the last Death Eater. Harry moving to greet Sirius but he didn't notice Bellatrix moving up to try and kill him but Sirius and Rayvan saw. Jumping to protect him Sirius got there first. Reacting without thinking Sirius used his arm to block the spell, "NNNNOOOO!!!" Rayvan roared and rushed to catch her Father but he closed his eyes and was pulled up into the archway.

Rayvan tried to follow but Remus stopped her and he was struggling to hold her back. She went from struggling to get free to a heart-wrenching sobbing, Bellatrix tried to slip out unnoticed but she wasn't quiet enough for Rayvan's ears, shoving free she chased after the mad woman. "I killed Sirius Black~" she sang as she ran, Rayvan wasn't getting much distance on two legs so she shifted.

When Bellatrix turned to see if she was still being followed she panicked and tripped on her skirt and fell, Rayvan lunges and stood over Bellatrix snarling. Slowly she opened her muzzle to show off pearl white fangs and they were sharp. Whimpering under Rayvan, Bellatrix looked like she was about to either wet herself or start crying out of fear of the direwolf over her. "You've got to mean it, Rayvan ..." a dark voice whispered near her pulled back ear,

"My Lord?" Bellatrix whimpered and before she even did Rayvan knew who was behind her, she didn't need to look."She killed him ..." The Dark Lord hissed while his hand grazed over Rayvan silk-like ebony fur, "She deserves it ..." he hissed out again " You know what to do, Rayvan ..." his voice sounding like a bundle of different emotions, lust not excluded. "Do it ..." Rayvan hearing these different emotions reacted.

Reaching down, she snapped her teeth inches from Bellatrix's face, backing up Rayvan jerked her head for Bellatrix to leave. The downed woman looked to the dark lord and he nodded and she took off. Shifting back, Rayvan collapsed to her knees, the shock of her Father's death hitting her like a killing curse. "So weak ..." the Dark Lord whispered, "but I can fix that ..." She was blind to everything around her, even to the reaching hand of the Dark Lord,

"Rayvan!!" someone to her left shouted, she didn't even look, "It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom." a familiar voice said, "The Aures are on their way." Dumbledore said as Voldermort backed up, "By which time I shall be gone, and you ... Shall be dead, and she will be mine." Dumbledore swung his arm around and Rayvan slid away from Voldemort and stopped behind Dumbledore. After which a fight broke out between Dumbledore and the Dark Lord.

She never once flinched as their spells backfired and destroyed the walls around her, she had a blank look on her face as she couldn't comprehend anything, Voldemort switch from locking spells with Dumbledore to creating a snake out of fire, but Dumbledore wielding the Elder Wand swatted it away from himself and Rayvan and blew it back towards its creator, with the flick of his wand Dumbledore used the water from the fountain behind the Dark Lord and encased him.

Harry showing up and sliding next to Rayvan distracted Dumbledore which freed the Dark Lord and he pushed dark energy at Dumbledore, when it was built up enough he released it and knocked Harry and Dumbledore over, and shattered windows upon windows of glass, using the tiny shards the Dark Lord shot them at Dumbledore who acted fast and turned them to dust. Using the dust the Dark Lord vanished.

Unknown to Harry and Dumbledore Rayvan too had vanished, the young witch now fully aware of what she needed and wanted to do. She wanted to find and hunt down Bellatrix Lestrange and pay her back for taking the last blood family member she had. 

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now