The Mirror of Erised & Winter Vacation.

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Rayvan Black's POV.

It was late, and I couldn't sleep, Cedric had asked me to do winter vacation with him, his family and our friends I had gotten permission from Aunt Narcissa, and I had told him I would be able to go, he was happy and ran off to tell the others. But the idea of a vacation with him, even with others made me nervous.

Without realizing it I had walked into a room, it was filled thought with dark light from the moon's pale silver light, thus illuminating the shadowy room. Walking around in it; there was nothing in it, a glint of light, though reflected off of something in the back corner. Walking over to it, I knew I was going to regret this.

When I was a foot away, all I could see was myself, I looked tired, worn out and a bit stressed. running my hands through my curly hair, moved to leave, but movement in the mirror caught my attention. looking back, my jaw dropped. In the mirror now stood a woman, she was tall, lean and absolutely beautiful. Her shoulder blade length hair was golden blonde and her eyes were icy blue almost gray.

Her brows were soft as she smiled at me, I could see some of my own features in her and I instantly knew who she was. "Mom?" she smiled and nodded, touching the glass and she moved her hand to mirror my own. A smile crept its way onto my face but my eyes kept blurring up, mom frowned sadly as her hand rose up to wipe away the tears from my reflection.

Raising my own hand, to my face it came away wet. Sniffling and wiping my face, I smiled through the tears to ease her, and to make her stop frowning. Smiling again, helped me to stop crying. "Ms. Black?" spinning around I gasped, startled by Professor Snape and now afraid of what he would do because I was out of bed past curfew. "What are you doing out of bed?" with dry tears still on my face, I cleared my throat and wiped my face again on my sleeve.

"I couldn't sleep and started to wander, I didn't mean to, I just didn't like being cooped up." he didn't say anything and walked over to me, reaching into his robes he pulled out a black handkerchief and started wiping my face, when he was done, he took my hand and put the cloth into it. "Thank you Professor." kneeling he held my elbows.

"How did you know the answers to the questions, I gave the first day?" I shrugged. "it wasn't hard, being a pureblood, I was raised around magic, I read a lot of potion books when living with my Aunt and Uncle." he nodded, "It was why I understood the double meaning behind each question. You blame yourself for something that, happened and wish to go back and fix."

He smiled weakly, and nodded ever so slightly. "Is that why you're being so hard on Harry? so he can become stronger and keep those he cares for alive?" he didn't answer but I could see it in his eyes. "Thank you again. Good night Professor." stepping out of his hands I walked around him and out of the room.

Transforming and trotting back to the common rooms, I ran into Ron's rat on the way and when it saw me he squeaked but it sounded like a person squealing like a pig. Pushing the idea out of my head, I went into the rooms and up to the girls' room, Snuffles chirped at me, shifting back I rubbed his chest and crawled into bed. Falling asleep, to the thoughts and images of my mother.


The next morning I finished packing and went down to the main hall to wait for the others. Hermione had just stepped out of the great hall, I smiled and waved at her. She walked over to the boats and got on, some students were being picked up at the school, mostly the wizarding families, that can apparate.

With Dumbledore's permission of course. I was watching all the students leaving disappear with their parents while I waited for a friend who invited me over for two weeks. "Are you coming?" looking over my shoulder, I sighed at Draco. "No." "What do you mean 'no'?" I chuckled. "It means she's spending the winter holidays with me and my dad." looking past Draco I smiled at Cedric.

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