Letters and The Weasley House.

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Rayvan's point of view.

Another end to a sad summer. Having lost his right to take care of me Uncle was forced to leave me in the hands of Uncle Lucius and Aunt Narcissa, now back in my old room down the hall from Draco. Standing in my room going through my things, I felt a breeze pass through my pjs. About to turn and see what caused it, I couldn't because Draco had just about pressed himself up against my back, "you know cousin, if our arrangement was still on, it wouldn't have been long till Father had us wed, and I would have had my way with you." Tsking, I elbowed my way for some space but he only gave me enough to turn around.

"Draco for the thirtieth time, even then I wouldn't let you, so why bother to annoy and torment me?" Leaning over me with his forearm over my head leaning on my four-post bed, he smirked, enjoying the fact that he once again was taller than me, "because, it's much more fun when you fight." He had slithered his head into my neck and I turned to avoid looking at him. Bloody hell for a fourteen year old he was horny as hell. Pushing completely free he stumbled back and I kicked him out of my room and locked the door. And in case he used his wand to unlock it I jammed a chair under the knob.

Going back to my things I smiled at the letters I had been exchanging with Cedric and the others. How it felt like it used to when we weren't fighting over his chance of participating in the Triwizard tournament. But every student that was 17 and up was qualified to take this and if they won would be crowned the champion and a whole load of opportunities would open up after graduation. I hated it because of the mortality rate and the fact that it was different every 5 years, no matter where it was hosted, either at Beauxbatons, an all girls school, Dumstrang, and all boys school famous for the Quidditch teams and Hogwarts, a mixed gender but famous for our worldly known professors and Headmaster.

Hermione had talked non-stop about the Yule ball and how it was the most popular Wizarding dance and if it were held at Hogwarts she would wear the nice dress she had gotten that summer for a 'just-in-case' situation. I had told her that I had many dresses and would have gladly given any one of them to her to wear. But she insisted that I don't. Either way I was bringing at least three to make sure I had some verity in my dress selections.

With everything shrunken down and into one bag I set it by the door and got ready for the Quidditch World Cup that I was going to with Ron and his family. I would be taking the train with them this year. "Rayvan!" My Aunt called. Opening my door I called back, "yes?!" I waited for her to call back, "we have somethings to get if your not here when we return see you on the holidays!" Smiling I nodded to myself, "okay!" The dull thud of the front door closing told me I was alone, changing into my outfit I smile as I looked down at myself. I wore:

Somehow over the summer I had become enamoured with steampunk styled clothing, and decided it would be my new style till I found something new

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Somehow over the summer I had become enamoured with steampunk styled clothing, and decided it would be my new style till I found something new. With my hat on I swung my coat on and hung my purse over my shoulder.

Suitcase in one hand and Snuffle on his way there by flight, I apperated there arriving just a bit before breakfast. "Morning Mrs. Weasley." I greeted hugging Ron's sweet chubby mum. "Morning dear, could you wake the boys, Hermione gave up too soon." Kissing Arthur's cheek on the way I nodded, "sure, but you wanna see me do it from here?" Curious she nodded and stood with me at the bottom of the stairs. "Ready?" I asked her, she nodded "WEASLEYS! LETS GO! BREAKFAST IS READY AND SO ARE BUCKETS OF WATER IF YOUR NOT HERE IN 5!....4!....3!...2!...–" "cool your jets, woman! We're coming!" George shouted sprinting down the stairs yanking on his shirt with Fred behind him tugging on his pants and almost falling down the stairs in the process.

Harry and Hermione were down two seconds later and Harry gave me a look that said I would need the bucket. Ginny having been up and ready when I got here had fetched me a bucket at her mother's request while I was yelling, easily carrying up the stairs I stepped into Ron's room and stood over him, I smirked and tipped the bucket over, pouring all the cold water onto him and his nice warm bed. Screaming and squealing I put the empty bucket onto his head and went back down stairs.

Everyone was laughing and chuckling at what had happened, "oh kids were meeting up with some friends of mine so hurry up." Arthur said folding up his morning paper. I cringed, and hoped it wasn't who I think it was, we may have been on good writing terms but I don't know how I would feel seeing him.


Speed jogging after Arthur, Harry kept nagging Ron about where we were going but Ron's only answer was I don't know. So he called to his dad, "Hey, dad. Where are we going?" Shouting back he said, "haven't the foggiest! Keep up!" He said when he turned and saw them lagging. Hermione then called back, "boys Rayvan is the shortest one here and is ahead of all of us why can't you do that?" They grumbled from what my enhanced hearing could pick up but I couldn't figure out what. "Arthur! It's about time, son!" Walking over to Amos, Arthur apologized and blamed Ron and Harry, I cringed when I heard him call out though. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. He works with me at the ministry." If he was here then Cedric–*thump* "hello beautiful." Wasn't too far behind, Cedric greeted me then shook Arthur's hand. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, hello." "Hullo, Cedric." I said nicely but coldly.

Turning to Amos, I gave him a warm hug and a greeting kiss on the cheek. "Hullo Amos." I startled just about everyone but Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Rayvan, you know the Diggorys?" I nodded, and before I could say anything Fred and George interrupted, "Cedric and Rayvan dated, dad." They teased skipping and leaping around me singing the kissing song the one with a tree and spelling the word kissing like children. About to demolish them Cedric held my hand stoping me and giving me a sweet smile. Sighing I let it go and walked with him, trying to ignore the fact that he held my hand and every time I tired to let go he wouldn't.


Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now