Year's End.

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Third person's point of view.

Rayvan had spent days looking for Bellatrix, she had used her direwolf form to sniff out the bitch who killed her father but, she must have been using magic to conceal herself, which was making it impossible for Rayvan to find her. Rayvan had no idea what she was going to do next, shifting back Rayvan sat down heavily and tried to think. But all she could think about was how she just kept losing people she cared for.

She didn't know who to blame, herself, Harry, or Voldemort. "Rayvan..." a soft voice called from behind Rayvan, jumping to her feet she spun around and was met with the worried face of Severus Snape. He wore his long black school robes and he didn't have his wand out so Rayvan knew he wasn't there to hurt her. "Come here," he said softly and she backed up, "No...anyone that get too close to me just dies," she said her voice slowly breaking down,

"My mother, my godmother, my father..." she said her voice fading in and out, "I won't lose you either, just stay back." her arms circled herself and she took small steps back, "I must be cursed, otherwise I wouldn't be here alone like this." Severus frowned, 'Is this how I looked when she died?' he asked himself, 'was I this broken?' sighed he didn't know why he asked himself those question when he knew it was true,

Ignoring her demand that he stay away he moved over to her and grabbed her wrist when she tried to push him away and pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her, he has never done something like this, it even surprised him to be doing this with someone who was his daughter, but she had too much of her mother in her for it to bother him even in the slightest. She struggled a bit but it was too much,

She couldn't hold it in anymore. The pain and the loneliness, it was just too heavy. Slumping to her knees, he sat with her and let her cry and cling to him, she needed this, nobody was ever there for her it was always the other way around and she never stopped to let herself feel, to release the weight. He hasn't done it either but for now, it was about her she needed this more than he did.


Severus had convinced Rayvan to return to the school for whatever was left, she had only agreed because she felt bad for leaving when she promised something to Dumbledore and she needed to see it through, but she also went because it was Severus that asked, she was his buffer against having to deal with Harry. But she chuckled weakly and admitted that he may become her buffer for Harry as well.

She didn't say anything but, Severus knew that she was angry with Potter, so angry that she may snap and kill him, and it worried them. She had nearly killed Bellatrix for actually killing Sirius, Severus wondered what would happen if Rayvan was alone long enough with the boy who had brought her father to his death by being stupid and getting ahead of himself.


One afternoon, Rayvan had been seated on one of the stone benches that were in the warm sun, she was alone, and reading a book. Nothing important just a book for fun when she heard Hermione and the others coming, they were headed somewhere when they noticed her, it was obvious that she was avoiding them, or more importantly, she was avoiding Harry, he didn't blame her.

He never would nor could he. He should have listened when she told him it was a trap but his heart wouldn't listen and he did exactly what she said not to do. And it cost her the last living parent she had, he expected her to blow up at him, to yell and scream and hit him but she was silent and cold and didn't talk to him, she wouldn't even look at him. She had been spending more time with her Hufflepuff friends and with Draco and Severus.

Nothing that strange but she just couldn't be anywhere near Harry. Harry though missed her, she was his last reminder of Sirius and he needed her, he needed her to tell him what was a good thing or a bad thing to do, even though he had a hard time listening when she said something. "You guys go on ahead, I'll catch up." Harry said and waved, Ron and Hermione looked at each other before looking back at Harry and nodding.

"That is a disaster waiting to happen." Ron said softly as they slowly walked away and Hermione couldn't help but agree. Harry was walking towards Rayvan who could smell and hear him coming but she was trying not to move or get up and walk away before he could say anything to her. But she was saved by Draco who had zipped around Harry and grabbed her hand and pulled her after him.

He pulled her close into his side and laid his arm across her shoulders to keep her moving as Draco glared over his shoulder at Harry who knew he had deserved it.


For weeks after that moment with Draco, Harry had been trying to get a moment alone with Rayvan but someone always got in the way, but one day late at night Harry couldn't sleep and so he decided to go sit by the fire in the common area, as he moved to the couch he noticed that someone had beaten him to it. Rayvan sat on the couch bundled up in one of the thick blankets from one of the couches, her knees were drawn into her chest and her arms were wrapped around them.

"What more do you want from me?" she asked without looking at him, her voice was broken and horace probably from crying. "You've taken everything...I have nothing more for you to take, break, or destroy. Just leave me alone." she said her head laying down on her knees. "Rayvan, I-..." Harry started but she turned her head to look at him and he saw her eyes, the usually bright and shining storm grey eyes were dull and lifeless.

Her face was blank and empty like she really has lost everything, "But you aren't alone, you still have Lupin, those Hufflepuff friends, me and everyone from Gryffindor who care and worry about you." he said, she stood up slowly and moved over to him, she moved slow and dangerously, for a moment he thought she was going to hug him but quick like a snake she struck him.

Her hand had hit him across the face and he could feel the after sting of it. Reaching up to touch it tentatively he winced as it hurt. "Stay. Away. From. Me." she said out slowly and dangerously. Turning back to the couch she grabbed the blanket she had been wrapped in before and left Gryffindor Tower. Harry could only stare after her, no matter what anyone says he deserved that slap, and the spilt lip and bruise that came with it.


Rayvan had gone back to the Room of Requirement to be alone, she sat in front the board that had all the pictures there, the previous Order of the Pheniox and the new one along with a photo of Dumbledore's Army with Harry and Rayvan standing front and center as the groups leaders and teachers of DADA. "I had a feeling you'd be in here." someone said softly to avoid startling her, turning she saw Draco with his pajamas on and a sweater on to keep out the cold.

"I smacked Harry in the face," she said right off the bat, Draco smiled a bit, "He deserved it," Draco said sitting next to Rayvan so he could stay with her a while, "But it wasn't necessary, I'm not the only one who lost someone important to them, my father was his godfather, he has every right to be just as upset as I am." Draco shook his head. "No he doesn't, Black may have been his godfather but they aren't blood," Draco said,

"He was your father, he was your blood, and you get to be more upset about it, with every family member of yours that becomes friends with Potter, becomes a new target for the Dark Lord. I don't want you to hurt anymore, you've lost enough, you don't need to lose more." Draco was being strangely nice to Rayvan and she liked this side of him. It was very sweet. He looked handsome when he wasn't glaring or scowling.

"Kindness suits you, Draco." Rayvan said while moving to sit between his thighs and lean against his chest. Draco's heart started to pound like crazy in his chest, he has been in love with Rayven since they were children and to have her sit with him like this was a dream come true even if she was only taking comfort in her time of need he didn't mind and was happy she was confiding in him, and only him.

Wrapping his arms around her she snuggled closer and leaned her head against his cheek. 

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Where stories live. Discover now