Down the Rabbit Hole.

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Rayven Black's POV

I had finished my Charms and Potions exams early, and Professor Snape was switching out with a teacher so he could take a break. So we were walking together before separating and heading in different directions. On the way to the main hall, we came across, Harry, Ron and Hermione. They where whispering and stopped when Snape showed up.

"Good afternoon. Now, what would three young Gryffindors such as yourselves be doing inside on a day like this?" He asked coldly. Stepping around him, I stood by Harry and he waved a little in greeting. "Uh...we were just..." Hermione stuttered nervously, I raised a brow at the three of them, Professor Snape looked at the three of them, his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"You want to be careful. People will think you're....up to something." he said darkly implying that he knew that they were talking about him. patting my head he walked off, I looked at the others and they looked at me like I had two extra heads. Shrugging I walked around the corner and listened into the conversation.

"Now what do we do?" Hermione asked worried. "we go down the trapdoor. Tonight." Harry said confidently. Nodding to myself I had to make sure I went after them, so I could make sure they don't do anything stupid to get themselves killed.


I was sitting with Neville he had asked me to sit up with him when he found out about Harry and the other's sneaking out, I sat in a chair across from Neville, his toad Trevor sat on the arm croaking softly, when the three of them came down from the rooms Harry noticed the toad, "Trevor." he said pointing him out to his friends, "Trevor shh! you shouldn't be here!" Ron whisper/yelled.

"Neither should you, you're sneaking out again, aren't you?" Harry tried to explain to Neville what they were doing but he cut him off, "No! I won't let you! you'll get Gryffindor into trouble again! I-I'll fight you." he stood up and held out his raised fists. Hermione drew her wand, "Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this...Petrificus Totalus."

The poor guy fell over, stiff as a board, while Hermione put away her wand. Ron gulped in fear and told her she was scary, brilliant but scary. They apologized on their way out and I followed them. I had transformed as I followed them using the shadows to stay hidden. When they stopped we were on the forbidden third-floor corridor,

Opening a door we went inside to see the sleeping three-headed dog, Fluffy Hagrid had told me his name was after they removed their cloak and the giant dog's paw, they leaned over the open door. Harry was talking when the harp stopped playing, Fluffy was awake and growling at the three of them.

Jumping forward I knocked them into the trapdoor and jumped out of the way of Fuffy's massive paw as it swiped off the door and broke the harp. Jumping back I shoved myself into a corner where the three-headed dog couldn't reach me, humming I started to sing remembering that music was the way to calm Fluffy.

Humming and singing made him back up, and away from the trap door, when he was drowsy, I stepped out of my corner and over to him, he growled a little but stopped when I patted his middle head snout, the other two whined in jealousy, kissing each on the nose, I continued to hum as I sat against his paws. I was sitting there for the next two or three hours.

Someone must have been coming because Fluffy stood up and nudged me behind him, using an Accio to bring Harry's forgotten cloak of invisibility to me. If Dumbledore was the one coming going under the cloak wouldn't work, folding it and shrinking it I stuck it into my pocket. When the door opened in walked the Headmaster, McGonagall, and Snape.

The last one in saw me standing behind Fluffy and drew his wand, readying it to attack. Rushing forward I stood in front of Fluffy keeping him from jumping Snape. I shushed him softly and hummed him to sleep. When he was out cold, someone grabbed me and arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"What a beast tamer." McGonagall giggled. I turned my head a bit and Dumbledore nodded shaking slightly with soft chuckles. "How long did they go in?" Snape asked after letting me go, "About three hours." he nodded and jumped into the opening in the ground, "ah, wait there's a hole in...the devil's snare." but I was too late, he fell through and grunted in discomfort.

I winced and looked down into the hole, on the ground he lay on his back arms and legs spread and a funny look on his face, like birds, were circling his head. I giggled softly and helped Professor McGonagall in and Dumbledore after, then jumped in and then down the same hole Hermione must have made to save either Harry or Ron.

We found Hermione and Ron on a destroyed Chessboard. McGonagall stayed with them while I followed behind Snape and Dumbledore. We reached a big chamber that was filled with dying flames, Harry was unconscious on of the sets of stairs. What I'm guessing to be the Philosopher's Stone, inches from his hand.

"Professor Snape my I borrow your Handkerchief?" he dug into his pocket and pulled it out and handed it to me, thanking him I walked over to the stone I picked it up in the black cloth and wrapped it up, using the ribbon in my hair to tie it then hand it to the Headmaster. "Thank you, Ms. Black." he patted my head and I moved over to Harry to help Snape carry him.

Harry Potter and The Daughter of Sirius Black. [CedricxOc and DracoxOc]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu