Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback.

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Rayvan's POV

I was walking around the school grounds when I ran into Hagrid. He had a big lump in his coat pocket. Transforming I trotted over to him and sniffed his pocket, the scent of fire and scales waffled into my nose and I yipped at him, he smirked and made a shushing noise while holding his index over his mouth.

I barked cheerfully and jogged off, running to class I saw Cedric and the others on the way, barking and yapping at them they chuckled and I tugged robes to get them to run, classes would be starting soon and I didn't want them to be late. Laughing and following me, I ran them to their class before going to mine.

When classes where finished, and dinner was over, I went up to the Gryffindor common rooms to change into black clothing a coat and my red and gold scarf. Sneaking out, I transformed again and sprinted all the way to Hagrid's when he got there, he was standing by the fire place and wearing an apron.

Scratching at the door he let me in and transformed as I walked in. "Oh, Hello Rayvan. here to see what I have cooking?" I nodded and sat down to wait for what he wanted to show. About ten minutes later Harry and his friends showed up. I smiled and waved at them, Ron and Hermione sat together on one side of the big table while Harry sat by me.

Too existed to know what it was that Hagrid had in his pocket, I didn't hear a word the three said to him, but when they started to bash Snape, I turned and said, "Stop it. What Professor Snape does is of no concern of ours keep your noses out of it." everyone looked at me, three looks of disbelief and one of relief.

"Rayvan is right, don't blame anything on Professor Snape he has his responsibilities and you have yours." before more could be said a rattling happened in the pot over the fire. Reaching in with oven mitts Hagrid pulls out a huge dragon egg. I'm practically bouncing in my seat as Hagrid sets the egg on the table. Watching it, it shakes and soft cracking comes from inside.

Before suddenly it pops open and there sits a disoriented baby dragon, no bigger than the smallest cat. "Hagrid, he's beautiful." I say, the little thing turns around on the table to look at me, his little silver eyes lock on me and he wobbles over to me, I reach out my hands and he climbs onto my palms,

Turns around three times before laying down wrapped in himself and falling asleep. "He seems to have taken a liking to Rayvan. Why?" Harry asks "Imprinting, it happens when a newborn dragon is hatched the first person or creature it sees it imprints, so basically, this baby thinks of Rayvan as his mother." I cooed and cradled the little creature to my chest.

"Rayvan, what do we name him?" Hagrid asks, looking up at him, I smile. "Norbert." he smiles and nods. "it's perfect." Ron and Harry looked at the two of us like we were crazy. "But dragons are not allowed on school grounds without the headmaster's permission." Hermione stated, pouting I looked at her, "Killjoy." holding Norbert out to Hagrid he took the baby and set him in a sleeping basket next to Fang,

The cowardly dog, and way from any unwanted eyes. "He's too small to be left on his own until he's old enough he will need to be cared for." I said standing by the door. Patting Fang's head. "Promise you three won't say anything." I turned to look at them and each one nodded. "Who's that?" the three looked to a small window I couldn't see out of and one name left Harry's lips.



Turns out, Malfoy and the other three had gotten late night detention with Hagrid and Flitch, Draco hadn't seen the dragon or myself so the two of us were in the clear, Ron and I had made plan with his Brother Charlie that when Norbert was big enough and didn't need myself or Hagrid would be sent off to live in Romania.

When I heard that they were going into the dark forest as punishment I quietly followed hiding in the shadows. In the dark, I looked like Fang, so when I nudged him to go back to Hagrid's hut he went. Standing by Hagrid I waited for everyone to split up and look for the wounded Unicorn. This would be the first time I ever saw one.

Wounded or not I wanted to see what it looked like. "And Harry, you'll go with Malfoy." Draco grimaced, while Harry nodded. "Okay, then I get Fang!" Hagrid just shrugged, "Fine, just so you know, he's a bloody coward." I whine to make it seem like I'm Fang. Walking with Harry and Draco, my cousin is holding the lantern while I walk behind them.

Coming to a section of forest covered in gnarled roots, I smelt blood and something evil. jumping ahead of the two boys, I start to growl at a hooded figure leaning over the body of the Unicorn. "What is it, Fang?" Harry asks. looking up and seeing what I see, Harry gasps and clutches his forehead in pain.

All while Draco starts to scream and run away. "HELP!!!!" I ignored him and focus on the hooded figure that smells familiar, crawling over the Unicorn it stands up and takes a step towards us, my growl intensifies as Harry backs up and falls over having tripped on a root most likely. Crawling away from the creature, I bark and snap at it, swiping and trying to claw at it as well but it backs up and raising a hand to hit me,

I stare and wait for the blow but we were interrupted by the sound of hoofbeats, jumping over Harry and landing next to me is a beautiful silver centaur. Raising up and kicking at the hooded figure it backs off and flees. Yipping and trotting over to Harry, I sit at his side and wait for him to realize it's me and not Fang.

It took a whole conversation with the Centaur and Hagrid and the other's showing up for him to realize it was me and not Fang. "Harry Potter, you have a very brave friend, don't forget that." he said kneeling down to scratch me behind the jaw, I licked his fingers as he pulled back and he patted my head.


Returning to the common rooms after saying bye to Hagrid and a quick check on Norbert. I left the three musketeers on their own in front of the fire. sifting back in the girls' room I quickly changed and went to bed.

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