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I tried to make myself comfortable in the cognac leather Queen Anne wingback chair. The assistant who had escorted me into the room clipped a small microphone to the inside of my blazer and attached it to a receiver on my back hip. I adjusted my clothing afterwards and looked nervously around the room. I had done interviews before, but they were always professional. Never about personal matters. What if I said too much? What if I said the wrong thing? My heart started beating faster as I got more and more anxious. I played with the rings on my fingers. Four of them to be exact. One turquoise gemstone on my left pointer finger, a midi ring on my left middle finger, a pearl ring on my right ring finger, and another midi ring on my right middle finger. I studied my clean but non-manicured nails. Short with clear nail polish. I had to keep them short for playing. But even if I didn't play, I felt like long nails were way too girly for me. I occasionally would paint my nails, but usually only darker colors. What did that say about me?

My thoughts were interrupted as Anderson Cooper walked into the room looking clean-cut but casual in dark wash jeans and a black polo shirt.

"So sorry to keep you waiting Miss Grey," he said in a friendly voice, offering me his hand. I stood up to shake his hand. "Please, call me Lexi. And it's no problem at all," I replied. We both sat down, I in my cognac chair and he in a matching one across from me. The dark brown coffee table between us held a vase of white hydrangeas and a white coffee mug of water for each of us. I cleared my throat and took a sip as I felt my mouth getting dry from nerves. Damn, I wish I could chew some gum right now. I glanced over to my right at the three cameras on stands with a cameraman behind each. On either side of them was a white umbrella light reflector, casting a warm glow on me and Anderson. An older woman with curly black hair came and touched up my makeup while a man with glasses tested the light around me. Another pair of individuals did the same to Anderson.

He must have noticed my eyes darting around the room at all the people and equipment. When my eyes happened to pass his, I noticed him smiling warmly, his hands comfortably resting on the armchair. Much unlike my sweaty hands that were still fiddling with each other. "Try not to be nervous," he said suddenly.

"Huh?" I asked. "Oh, I'm....I'm fine," I lied, faking a smile.

"We're just two friends, talking casually. We can always cut and edit anything you don't like. Would you like some coffee or tea or anything?" He was very friendly, even though he was a reporter. And I normally didn't trust reporters. But I kind of liked him. Don't let your guard down Lex. That's just what he wants you to do. I shook the thought out of my head. "No thanks, really....I'm fine," I smiled. I took a deep breath and tried to relax.

"So how would you describe your relationship with Eminem?" he asked me ten minutes later once everyone and everything was situated perfectly and the cameras were rolling.

"Um..." I hesitated. "I don't....I don't really know how to answer that," I replied truthfully.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"I mean, there are so many layers to our relationship. I can't really pinpoint one way to describe it," I explained. I probably sound like an idiot. Anderson smiled understandingly. "Okay then, let's start with something a little simpler," he said, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back a little in his chair. "How did you and Eminem meet?"

I gazed into the empty space next to Anderson's chair as I let the memories flood over me. This was happening. I might as well get it right. I followed Anderson's lead and settled more comfortably into my seat as I dove into that fateful day 23 years ago.....

A/N: Thanks for reading! This story will be going back and forth between different years in the past and the present. The year and point of view will always be noted in the title. Some chapters will have multiple points of view. Please comment and let me know how you think the story is going! 

From Infinite to Kamikaze: A NovelWhere stories live. Discover now