Quinn yawned and looked at the clock when her alarm went off. She couldn’t believe that it was already time to get up. Last night she had spent hours on the computer. After talking to Puck she had caught up with her world of fan fiction and after reading a weeks worth of updates she was more or less up to date. 

She turned her coffee machine on before she made her way towards the bathroom for a shower. She didn’t have to work till later that afternoon so there was no rush. Quinn wasn’t surprised that Blaine hadn’t come home the night before and she had to admit despite that she wasn’t Isabel’s number one fan she was glad that her best friend was happy. 

After a nice long shower where she washed her hair, made her way into the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee and her eyes landed on the phone and she wondered whether she should call. 

Finn and Rachel stopped at Gloria Jeans down the road from where Rachel worked and after enjoying a large coffee and a croissant together they walked hand in hand towards Rachel's building. 

“You should get to work” Rachel smiled at him as he pulled her into his arms for a kiss. It was only 8 o’clock but normally Finn would be seated behind his desk up to his arms in work by this time. 

“No I should be saying goodbye to my girlfriend” he whispered against her lips. 

Rachel smiled and returned the kiss. She loved hearing him call her his girlfriend. 

When the kiss began to become too heated Finn reluctantly pulled back, he realized they were on a New York sidewalk and he didn’t want to give anyone a free show. 

“Thanks for breakfast” he smiled. Rachel had insisted on paying for breakfast that morning as a small thank you for picking her up the night before. 

“Thank you for last night” he grinned which caused Rachel to blush knowing exactly which parts of the night before he was thanking her for. 

“Your welcome” she finally said and Finn smiled at her flushed face. 

He took a step back then knowing that if he didn’t leave now he never would and they both had to get to work “I’ll call you” he told her. 

“You better” she laughed at him. 

“Bye babe” he called out then and Rachel stopped just before she walked through the glass doors to her office building. 

“Bye sweetie” she replied and with a final wave she stepped inside her office. 

Blaine sat back and watched Isabel as she walked around the room getting ready for her day at work. 

“What are your plans for today?” she asked him. 

“Not much” Blaine shrugged “I’ll probably just head back to Quinn's apartment” he informed her. 

“Why don’t you come by for lunch?” she asked. Isabel was well aware that Blaine's job was in Boston and that eventually he would have to go back but she had made the decision that instead of dwelling on it she would just make every moment with him count. 

“Sounds good” he smiled. 

Isabel looked at the clock and frowned before turning back to Blaine. She had to go but she didn’t want to. 

“Feel free to stay as long as you want,” she told him. 

He nodded “I’ll be by around one for lunch is that ok?” 

“I can’t wait” she told him as she leaned in and kissed him goodbye and once she was gone Blaine sighed and slumped into the bed. What the hell was he supposed to do, he lived and worked in Boston and the girl of his dreams was in New York? 

Rachel had just entered her office when her phone started ringing.

“Good morning Rachel Berry” she greeted formally. 

“Hi Rachel” Quinn greeted. 

“Quinn hi” Rachel smiled. She was shocked to be hearing from Quinn but also very glad. 

“I was wondering if you were busy for lunch?” she asked her. “I thought it would be nice if we could catch up, you know just the two of us?” 

Rachel smiled “I would love that Quinn” she told her. 

“Great well what about around one that way I can go straight to work after that?” 

“Let me just check my schedule” Rachel said. Opening her calendar she had a quick scan of what she had to do that day but saw that she was free for lunch. 

“One is fine so I’ll meet you downstairs?” 

“Yep see you then” Quinn said. 



Rachel smiled again as she hung up the phone. She wanted so badly to have a friendship with Quinn. She really wanted to be able to confide in her about her growing feelings for Finn but she wasn’t sure how she would react. 

“I’ll see how lunch goes,” she told herself. 

Puck was still wondering if he did the right thing sending the email as he walked into his office. He was a graphic designer and he loved his job but his mind was else where today. 

He picked up his phone and dialed Finn then, he needed to talk to him to get some advice. 

Finn looked at the pile of work in his in-tray and winced. He should have been working on it all weekend but instead he had spent it with Rachel. The thought of her made him smile. He knew it would take some late nights to clear his load and he frowned at the thought that late nights meant not seeing Rachel. 

He picked up his private phone on the first ring “Yeah” 

“Good morning to you to Finn” Puck replied. 

“Hey Puck what’s up?” he asked. 

“What do you say to lunch today I need to bend your ear on a few things?” Puck suggested. 

Finn looked at his pile of work again and sighed, he couldn’t afford it but Puck was a good mate “Sure the usual spot?” he asked. 

“Yep see you at one” Puck told him. 

“Bye” Finn replied before putting the receiver down. 

He looked at the pile again and after he decided it wasn’t going to get itself done he dug into the pile only stopping to make a quick phone call. 

“Quinn” Blaine called out as he entered her apartment with the spare key she had given him. 

“In here” Quinn called out from in front of her computer. 

She had a bit of spare time so after doing some housework she decided to get on the Internet and send an email to her mum. She noticed as soon as it opened that there was an email from Puck and found herself smiling. They had struck up a strange little friendship the night before. 

“Hey” Blaine smiled as he walked in dressed in the same clothes he had left the night before in. 

“Good date?” Quinn smirked. 

Blaine grinned and nodded “Yep and I’m meeting her for lunch too” he said. 

“Wow sounds like you getting serious” Quinn commented raising he eyebrow in question. 

Blaine sighed “I’d like it to be but…” he trailed off. 

“You’re leaving to go back home next week” she finished for him. 

Blaine slumped down in the seat across from Quinn “I don’t what to do Quinn, I mean I think she could be the one but I can’t tell that from three dates” 

“Well you’ve still got a week so I suggest you spend as much time with her as possible and then take it from there. If you think it could be more by the time you go back home then talk to her, you could both try commuting for a while” 

Blaine thought about what she said and realized that she was right. He would take the time he had left with Isabel and make the most of it. 

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