Chapter 62

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Delilah was at home snorting another line. She wiped her nose and laid on the bed looking at her pink ceiling. Her mother walked in looking at the mail. She saw that she had a letter to the school saying Delilah had missed too many days of school. Her mother put the mail down and looked at the house noticing that Delilah hadn't done her chores like she was supposed to do. Her mother stormed into the room and burst the door open.

"Why the fuck your ass haven't been at school" She yelled at her

"What Ma" Delilah laughed at her

"Oh so you think this shit is a damn joke" She yelled yanking her daughter by the hair

"Who the hell you think you yanking by the hair" Delilah swung at her mom. Her mom grabbed her by the throat and pinned her against the wall.

"Don't ever try to swing on my fucking ass again cause I will  beat your ass now pack the fuck up and get the fuck out of my house since you wanna be grown"

Delilah packed up her stuff in her luggage and walked out with her fur coat. She walked down the street and made her way downtown to where all the hotspots were. She walked past many half dressed girls standing on the corner and pimps in their cars,

"Hey sexy whatchu doin walking by yourself" A tall dark skin man in finely dressed clothing asked

Delilah liked what she saw and smiled "ion know but you can accompany me"

"Alright where we going"

"It's your choice daddy" Delilah responded still not in the right state of mind

"Yo ass is coming home with me" He told her

They walked to his "house" and Delilah smiled. He took her inside and saw many men sitting with young girls on their lap in skimpy outfits. The girls were all looking down. Delilah started to feel a little scared and looked at the man.

"You hungry baby" He asked her she nodded her head. He brought her into the kitchen and gave her an apple to satisfy her stomach for the moment while he heated left over pizza. Delilah looked at him while she took a bite of her green apple.

"Do you know those people" She asked him looking at the door. while he was putting her food on the plate and making her a glass of water.

"Yeah they my friends" he said handing her the plate and the water. Delilah smiled and took a bite of the pizza then drank the water. She started feeling a little dizzy and looked at the man. She saw his distorted smile while he carried her into the room to do whatever he wanted to do to her.

Aliyah started working on clothes after hearing Icon was back in town again. She smiled and was excited hoping that they would stop in her town. Since Queen had dropped Aliyah in fear that Aliyah would outshine her. Aliyah decided that she could make clothes for herself and her business.

She took a break and decided to walk outside in the cold weather while the kids slept. She decided to get food and walk outside enjoying the cold. She walked into a random Chinese restaurant to order shrimp fried rice with broccoli. She noticed a group of four boys sitting down but one was looking back at her. He was a dark skin boy with pearly whites but he had sun glasses on at night. He stood up and walked over to her.

"Hey pretty" He said smiling

"Aye Maruice get back here and leave them girls alone for a while" Another boy said

"Uhh hi" Aliyah said looking at the people grilling in the back.

"You know who I am" Maurice said having his ego hurt that Aliyah didn't know who he was. He decided to take his glasses off since it was only them in the store.

"Yeah you Maurice from Icon" Aliyah smiled looking at him and then back at the grill she acted like she didn't care but her heart was pounding.

"Maurice man whatchu doin why you gotta tell everyone who you are" Jackson told him making Aliyah laugh

The lady handed Aliyah her food and she smiled tipping the lady. She started walking towards the door when she was stopped. Aliyah looked and saw a shorter brownskin man looking at her.

"Your clothes are fire you make them cause I ain't seen nothing like it"

"Yeah I make them why"

"Cause I want you make clothes for my boys"

Aliyah looked at the boys and smiled "I'll do it just get me everything on paper and if I like it we can be in business "

"Ight it's a deal" He said extended his hand Aliyah shook his hand and walked out laughing because he didn't ask her for any information.

"Wait up girl I wanna walk you home cause ya know it's dark and stuff" Maurice told her

"Why you not with your band members"

"Cause I was worried for you ion want you walking home by yourself"

Aliyah didn't say anything she just walked silently. Wondering if Maurice would get bored with her. But he wasn't bored and enjoyed the sounds of the city. Aliyah walked onto her porch and smiled.

"Bye" She said opening the door

"Ion know how to get back" he lied

"Why you lying it's a straight walk"

"But what if I get lost and kidnapped" he said pretending to cry

"You a whole baby come on" She said letting him in then taking her shoes off and walking upstairs

"Where you going"

"To my room"

"But I want company"

Aliyah turned around and sat on the couch and turned the T.V. on. She turned the channel to spongebob and started laughing. Maurice looked at her and smiled.

"You a kid why we gotta watch this" he asked her with a smile

"You always free to find your way back to your boys" Aliyah responded

"Damn I was kiddin you ain't gotta be rude but what's your name"


"Well can I get your number since my manager didn't ask"

"You a smooth one I like that but only give my number to your manager and then delete my number" Aliyah told him while she handed him her phone

"What if I keep it and blow up your phone"

"Then your ass is getting blocked"

"Can I keep your number and text you for emergencies"

"Fine do that now Ima go to sleep you can stay here or go with your friends ion care just tell me before I drift off" she said walking up stairs

"I wanna stay here and you can cuddle with me"

"No I got a boyfriend"

"Oh my bad you got covers"

"No we don't own covers" Aliyah said grabbing covers and throwing them with a smile

"I hate you" he responded

"The door is always open" Aliyah told him going to sleep in her room

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