Chapter 40

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The new school year started back up and Aliyah was wearing basic clothing. She put on a brown and white striped shirt on and blue jeans. Aliyah smiled at herself and walked outside with Mark and the twins. Mark had brought a babysitter for Jordan while he was at school.

Aliyah walked into school talking to her friends. She saw a light skin boy with hazel eyes looking at her and smiling. Aliyah pretended like she didn't we see him me and walked with her friends to their homeroom.

Lunch came around and Aliyah was in line getting her food.  The light skin boy came behind her and tapped her on the shoulder. Aliyah looked at the boy and smiled he was even cuter up close.

"Hi Aliyah" The boy said smiling he liked her since the 9th grade but he figured if Steve could get her he could too.

"Hey" She said smiling

"Uhh you go with anyone" he asked looking at her

"No you" she asked grabbing her food and smiling


"Why not you cute" she said grabbing her fruit

"Ion know but you cute too and you not going wit no one neither" he said shrugging

"Aw'ight what's your name" she asked smiling liking his honesty

"Lewis you" he asked

"You already said it" she told him with a grin walking to her table.

Lewis was about to walk to her table but he saw Steve sitting there. He grumbled knowing he wasn't going to get her and walked over to his table. Lewis stared at the both of them upset that Steve was there talking to her. He saw Aliyah standing up and walking over to him.

"Why you ain't follow me to my table" she asked Lewis with a smile. The whole tabled looked up at her but she ignored them.

"Cause you was talking to Steve" he told her

"So I told you Ion go with no one" she responded getting annoyed.

"Ok and" Lewis said looking at his food then back at her

"Ima be waitin for you" Aliyah turned around and sat her table

Lewis watched her walk off and sit back down with Steve. He thought about to walk over to them but started over thinking. He thought she was going to make fun of him with Steve.

"AYY man why you ain't go over there" Anderson asked he was a white boy with and earring in his ear and blue eyes like the sky.

"Cause all she gonna do is make fun of me" Lewis responded

"Look man she ain't like that she nice" Anderson said standing up pulling Lewis along to her table.

Aliyah smiled looking at the both of them when they sat down. She was wondering what took him so long to come over. Aliyah looked at Steve who was looking at the two boys. He waved and got up to hug Aliyah.

"Ian know you fucked with white boys" Steve whispered looking at her with a grin

"Shutup Steve" Aliyah said pushing him Steve walked away and laughed.

"Lewis you wanna walk me home" Aliyah asked looking at him

"Uhh no I have to watch my sister" he lied Aliyah knew he was but didn't care to mess with him anymore he was too scared for her liking.

"Anderson?" she asked

"Yeah I can walk you where you where you live" He asked her. Surprised that she even knew who he was.

"Peach street" Aliyah responded

"Yeah it's just right up the way from me"

Aliyah and Anderson were walking down the street and Anderson was making Aliyah laugh. She wasn't interested in him physically except for her eyes she just liked his personality. Aliyah walked to the porch and smiled and Anderson looking into his eyes cause they were so pretty.

"You know if you keep looking at me like that Ima have to kiss you" He told her straight faced

"My bad you just got some pretty eyes" She said smiling

"Thanks good looking" He responded giving her a hug and walking off.

Steve was in Jamal's office listening to him give tips for the business. He was bored out of his kind wondering why Jamal picked him. He thought everyone took him as a joke. He didn't see himself as fit to run a business since he was considered a joke by most of his peers.

"Why did you pick me" Steve asked

"Cause you got potential" Jamal answered

"What potential ain't no one take me seriously" Steve snapped

Jim frowned wondering who the hell Steve was talking to. He took a moment to calm down noticing Steve was coming from a place of hurt.

"That's cause you allow them to you can't wait till they push you over the edge to say shit you gotta show where you stand by your demeanor and the attitude you give off" Jamal told him.

Steve was soaking the information up like a sponge. He wasn't going to let people walk all over him anymore. If he had a problem with something he was going to stand up and say it to their face. He was done being so nice to people.

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