Chapter 3

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Aliyah woke up and jumped out of bed thinking about her dream about Mark she was confused on why she was dreaming about him. They were just friends and she never dreamt about Dominique. She grabbed a plain Black shirt and some leggings and washed herself without her mother's help. She put her lotion on and did her own hair. She ran into her parents room and saw that her mom wasn't in her room so she ran downstairs and saw that she was cooking breakfast.

"Mommy look at me I got dressed all by myself" Aliyah said proudly
"I'm proud of you baby" She said kissing her forehead. Her mother finished cooking and made their plates.
"You like any boys yet" Her Mom asked with a smile.
Aliyah shook her head rapidly with a smile and said  "No but what does it mean when you see a boy in your dream"
"I don't know what were y'all doing in the dream" She asked her
"We were holding hands" Aliyah smiled and took another bite.
"So you do like boys what's his name" her mother said laughing.
"Mark he has really nice eyes and his hair is curly and he's nice to me" Aliyah smiled. Karen didn't want to ruin the moment with a lesson but she decided to do it anyway.
"Don't go chasing boys and never let them see that they hurt you" her mother told her. Aliyah nodded and finished eating her sandwich.

The girls decided to go to the fabric store.
"Hey Mommy can I get this one" she asked pointing the fabric that had paint splatter all over it.
"Yeah" she responded pulling it out and cutting the fabric then cutting hers out.
"You wanna work at my business or at home" Her Mom asked.
"Your job" Aliyah said jumping up and down her mom paid for the clothes and drove to her job. She was a fashion designer but wasn't big enough to be making the big bucks.
"Mommy I wanna be a fashion designer just like you" Aliyah told her walking into her business.They started the sewing machine and Aliyah wanted to make a shirt for her mother's birthday.
"Mommy what what are we gonna do after this" Aliyah asked
"Probably eat Ice cream then Mommy has a surprise for you" she said smiling.

After they finished their clothes Aliyah gave her mother the shirt.
"I hope it fits you" She said smiling "Thanks baby I love it" Karen said kissing her daughters forehead. They got into the car and ate chocolate their chocolate ice cream together.

Karen noticed that it was getting dark and she made her way home. She turned up the radio and they sang with each other they were having so much fun that they didn't notice the swerving eighteen wheeler driving towards them until it was too late. The car slammed into the back side of the car and spun their car around once the car stopped Karen looked at her daughter.
"Are you alright" she asked frantically Aliyah nodded then noticed another car.
"Mommy look" She said before Karen could turn around the car hit.

Aliyah Where stories live. Discover now