Chapter 23

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Spring rolled around and Aliyah walked into school going straight to her locker. Bryan walked up to her and grabbed her waist. Aliyah turned around a pushed his hands off.
"Whatchu want Bryan" She asked him
"You dating Steve" he asked her putting his hands on her waist
"Yeah" she said smiling
"Why" he asked looking at her Aliyah narrowed her eyes
"Whatchu mean why" she asked him
"I ain't mean it like that" Bryan said noticing her mood change.
"Bye Bryan" she said grabbing her books. Bryan walked off and went straight to class.

Steve walked up to Aliyah with a wide smile and hugged her from behind.
"Hey Stevie" Aliyah said smiling
"Hey" he said kissing her.She closed her locker and looked at him. "Oh you wanna come over my house today" he asked her.
"You not gonna rain check on me like before" she asked him trying not to get her hopes up
"Promise I won't" He said
"Then yeah I wanna come over" Aliyah said looking at him.

The end of the day came and Aliyah was a laughing mess. She was laughing in the hallways at nothing. Steve was waiting outside her and saw her laughing.
"Hey Liyah" he said looking at her wondering what was so funny.
"Hey" she said smiling and hugging him then jumping around.
"What got you so excited" he asked smiling looking at her sudden burst of energy.
"Ion know" she said looking at him then giving him a kiss. Other guys were looking at them and wondering how Steve got her.
"You ready" Steve asked
"Yeah I'm ready" Aliyah said looking at him holding his hand.

They made their way to his house Aliyah was smiling wider with every step she took. She wanted to know what his home life was like. They walked onto his porch when Steve stopped and looked at her.

"You afraid of dogs" Steve asked looking at her Aliyah shook her head.Steve opened up her door and two dogs ran up to her and jumped on her almost knocking her down.

"Get down" Steve said snapping and pointing to the floor the dogs got off of her and fell to the floor. Aliyah smiled and petted them.
"What's their names" she asked sitting on the floor playing with them.
"The Pitt is Skylar and the Lab is Milky" He told her Aliyah made sure to remember their name. Aliyah was too into the dogs to be paying attention to him. Steve watched her with a wide smile then going into the kitchen.

"You hungry" he yelled. Aliyah ran into the kitchen where he was and looked around at his kitchen. It looked like one of those T.V. kitchens to her. She nodded looking at him and jumping on his counter smiling.
"Alright" Steve said grabbing a bag of chips and pouring it into a bowl. Then took it into his living room Aliyah followed looking at the pictures on his wall.
"You an only child" Aliyah asked noticing he had no siblings I'm his pictures.
"Yeah my parents figured I was enough" he said smiling and putting a movie on.

Aliyah laid on the couch and Steve laid behind her. Aliyah fell asleep while Steve played in her hair watching her sleep. I can't believe I got her he thought to himself laying behind her and drifting off.

Steve woke up before her to the credits playing. Aliyah woke up a few moments after looking at Steve with a blurry vision. She rubbed her eyes a few times before her vision focused. She sat up and looked at the time then laid back down on Steve.

"What time your parents come home" she asked playing in his fro.
"At ten they having a date night" he said smiling. Aliyah smiled and kissed him. She stood up and stretched then started dancing in front of Steve humming to a tune she made up.
"Whatchu doin" Steve asked her
"I'm dancin" Aliyah said sticking her hand out. Steve took it and danced with her. They were a smiling mess together but loved each other's company.

After they finished Aliyah stood up and put her shoes on
"you want me to walk you home" Steve asked noticing that the street lights were coming on. She grabbed his hand noticing the lights were on too.
"Yeah" she told him Steve put his slides on and grabbed his keys.

They walked outside and Aliyah looked at the stars thinking of her mother. She smiled keeping her eyes on the brightest one. Steve smiled at her walking her to her house.
"Whatchu thinking about" he asked
"Nothing" Aliyah lied looking up at him.
"So you ain't thinking about me" Steve asked.
"Now I am" Aliyah said Steve smiled stopping in front of her house. Steve kissed her and watched her enter her house before walking home.

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