Chapter 12

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Aliyah got ready for high school looking at her body that became shapely over the summer with her beautiful face. She put on some skinny jeans and a fitting black shirt. Then woke up her siblings and walked downstairs. She started cooking breakfast for four.

Mark came in with her mail and handed it to her.
"Why don't you knock" She asked him with a smile.
"Cause that's boring" he told her stealing a sausage.
"Mark" Aliyah whined punching him in the arm playfully
"Aliyah" He said in the same whining the same way she did she rolled her eyes and opened up the mail. Checking for the money her dad sent them monthly which was no where in sight. Aliyah sighed and shook her head mumbling curse words.

"What's wrong with you" Mark said grabbing plates noticing the food was done.
"Nothing" she said narrowing her eyes
"You lying now" he asked her knowing that she narrowed her eyes when she was mad.
"I said nothing was wrong" she said flipping the food.

Mark shrugged and let her be. He called the twins down for breakfast and they ate together. Aliyah was thinking about how they were going to make money. Until she thought about selling her old clothes.

The duo walked into school together like usual and they went their separate ways. Aliyah opened her locker and started grabbing her books. Smiling and wondering if people were going to like her clothes.
"Aye Aliyah come here" a random boy yelled she looked at him and went back to grabbing the rest of her books. His crew laughed at him.
"Ight fuck you" He yelled getting mad that she hurt his ego
"You wish you could" Aliyah yelled with a smile and walked into her home room.

Lunch rolled around pretty quickly and the duo decided to eat off campus. They walked in silence enjoying the warm sunny day enjoying each other's presence. Mark would glance at her every now and then. Wondering how they've been friends for so long.
"You doing football" Aliyah asked smiling
"Duh Ima be the best and you know it" he said with a laugh.
"Whatever I'm the best" Aliyah told him laughing.
"AYY MAMA LET ME TALK TO YOU" A guy yelled Mark looked behind him and saw a cardboard colored guy with waves walking up to them.
"You got a guy tryna talk to you" Mark laughed.
"Damn you had to look" Aliyah said frowning
"If you don't like him we'll pretend like we're dating" He said  chuckling.

"I know you hear me" The guy yelled behind her Aliyah turned around and looked at him.
"Why you yelling at me" She asked frowning at him.
"Just wanna talk to you sweetheart" He said smiling then looking at Mark.
"are y'all dating" He asked her not really caring what the answer was.
"Nah she is single" Mark said smiling at Aliyah who was frowning at him.
"Well I'm Trayvoyn what's your name sweetheart" he asked her.
"Aliyah" She told him smiling looking at his face admiring his cat eyes and long eyelashes.
"Lemme walk you home" he asked
"Alright" she said walking with Mark again.

The end of the school day came by quickly for Trayvoyn. He waited at the front of the school for her. He spotted her and smiled when he saw her body.
"Where's your friend" he asked her.
"At football practice" she told him starting to walk home he followed looking at her body with lustful eyes.
"What grade you in" he asked her
"Freshman" she told him looking at her phone to check the time them back at him.
"Sophomore" he told her with a smile Aliyah looked at him and walked onto her porch about to open up her door.
"Ion get a hug" he asked her she sucked her teeth and hugged him.
"Bye Trayvoyn" She smiled walking inside the house and laying on the couch.

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