Chapter 21

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Mark was sitting in holding with others sitting in the corner looking at the floor. The officer came to the bars.
"Boy" he said loud enough for everyone to look up but he was looking at Mark. Mark pointed to himself and the officer nodded. Who bailed me out cause I didn't make my phone call yet Mark thought to himself.
"Your uncle bailed you out"
Mark was confused he didn't have any uncles but he kept his mouth shut. He saw a light skin guy with braids who was smiling a little.

"What's wrong with you son just wait till I tell your mother" the guy said pulling him out of the station
"Please don't tell her" Mark said playing along with the strangers game.
They left the station and the stranger got into his car
"Get in" the stranger said Mark complied and got in.

Aliyah was sitting at a diner with Steve still in her dress he wanted to know why she was so afraid of cars. Aliyah looked at the menu wondering what she wanted. The waiter walked up to them.
"What will you guys be having" he asked looking at the both of them.
"A chocolate milkshake and a cheeseburger" Aliyah said
"Would you like cheese with that" The waiter asked. What was the point of me saying cheeseburger Aliyah thought to herself. She looked at Steve who was about to start laughing.
"Yeah" Aliyah told him with a smile the waiter looked at Steve and he ordered  chicken wings with a Sprite. The waiter left and they burst out laughing.
"Would you like cheese with that" Steve said making Aliyah laugh harder.

The waiter returned with their food and smiled at them he gave them their food and walked away. Aliyah put her fries on her burger and took a bite.
"What makes you so afraid of cars" he asked her
"Uhh my mom died in a car accident" Aliyah said half smiling then drinking her milkshake.
"Sorry for your loss" he said looking at his food then her noticing her eyes were watery but she blinked it away they sat in an awkward silence. Steve started playing with his food making Aliyah laugh again.

They paid for their food and Steve walked Aliyah home Steve watched her walk onto her porch and he looked at her.
"What does this make us" Steve asked looking at her
"What" Aliyah asked knowing she heard him correctly.
"I mean I like you and you like me" Steve said
"Ok and" Aliyah laughed looking at him
"Forreal Aliyah I wanna go with you" Steve said knowing he could go to sleep happy or with a broken heart.
"Alright" She said smiling and unlocking her door.
"You gonna kiss me" He asked testing out his luck.
"You gotta come up here I ain't walking up the stairs again" she told him Steve walked up the stairs and kissed her. Aliyah smiled and Steve watched her enter the house.

Mark was in the car with the stranger driving around town.
"Why you bail me out" he asked looking at the stranger
"I like you cause you different from my other men" The stranger responded either this nigga gay or he run a gang Mark thought smiling
"What's your name" Mark asked him
"Jamal but where you live kid" he said smiling
"On Berkely street"

Jamal dropped him off and said "meet me at your corner" before speeding off. Mark smiled and walked into his house which was pitch black. He started creeping into his room.
"Where you been" his mom said in the darkness making Mark jump.
"The dance" Mark told her she turned the lamp on.
"Boy don't you lie to me" she told him knowing he didn't go cause his suit was on his closet door untouched. Mark sat quietly looking at his mom. She threw a wad of money on the table.
"Where you get this shit from" She asked calmly Mark couldn't think of a lie so he decided to tell her the truth.
"I uhh sell drugs cause I got this girl pregnant"  he said looking at her. His mother was speechless and angry but more disappointed.
"Get out I will not have the police coming in here raiding my shit" She yelled at him
"Come on Ma it ain't even like that" He told her
"Out Mark pack your shit and get the hell out" She yelled

Mark knew she was serious and started packing with tears in his eyes he left out the house with a suitcase walking to Aliyah's house.  He knocked on the door and Jackie opened.
"Hi Mark" She said smiling putting her arms up Mark picked her up.
"Hey Key" he said smiling
"Jackie what did I tell you" Aliyah said rubbing her eyes in shorts and a tee shirt.
"Not to open the door" she said looking at her
"Alright so don't do it and hi Mark whatchu doing here and why you knock" she asked looking at him
"My mom kicked me out" he told her setting Jackie down who ran upstairs.
"Oh shit sorry about that" Aliyah said running upstairs to give him some blankets the coming down and handing it to him.
"It's alright" he said sitting on the couch taking the blankets.
"You alright" she asked looking at him
"Yeah" he said lying Aliyah knew he was lying too but she left it alone and went upstairs.

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