Chapter 49

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Aliyah got the twins ready for middle school while Jordan was sleep. She got him dressed and made breakfast for them. They ate and Aliyah dropped Jordan off for daycare giving the twins the responsibility of picking them up since she would be at her new job as an intern.

Aliyah walked into school by herself. Most of the kids knew what happened to Mark so they didn't feel as scared to approach Aliyah. Aliyah opened up her red locker and threw her things in there. Aliyah wasn't really looking for a boyfriend or any new friends she was contempt with being by herself.

"Hey sexy" A boy said to her

"Uhh hi" Aliyah responded

"Whatchu doing" he asked

"Putting things in my locker" She said hating dumb questions.

"Yeah that's what it looks like you doing" He said feeling stupid

"Mhm Ima go" Aliyah said shutting her locker and starting to walk away

"I can walk you" He told her

"Nah I'm good" Aliyah responded

He walked away mumbling angrily

Aliyah didn't pay him any mind walking into class sitting  with her twin. She had a group of boys talking to her. Delilah had gained a bad reputation over the summer. Boys thought she was "Easy" and they were always touching her and she allowed it. Delilah loved the attention she was getting from boys even though it was negative.

A boy dropped his pencil on the floor and said "Delilah can you grab it for me"

She stood up and bent over to pick up his pencil "here you go Kyle" She said looking at the curly haired light skin boy

Kyle grabbed her butt while she went to sit back down and Delilah giggled.

A boy from the same friend group dropped his pencil and looked at Aliyah."Aliyah can you grab my pencil for me" he asked

"No" She said looking at her phone

"Come on please Liyah" he begged

"I said no now stop asking and leave me alone" She snapped

"You mean as hell" He told her

"And you dumb as hell since yo ass don't know what no means" Aliyah responded

"Aliyah go to the office I won't tolerate cursing in my class" the old white lady said

"I wasn't the only one" Aliyah responded

"Ion care I heard you go"

Aliyah huffed and walked  to the office walking past the boy. He thought about grabbing her butt but he didn't want to get hit. He sat in his chair quietly while his friends were clowning him.

Aliyah walked into the office and sat down. She leaned back in her chair wanting to go home. She was getting tired of school and just about everybody in there. Boys were starting to bore her and life in general except for her siblings  and the letters Mark sent her. Steve didn't bore her since  wasn't in her life as often since the school year started back up even though he made an attempt to see her as much as possible.

"What are you here for" The front desk lady asked

"Cursing" she responded looking at the oversized lady nameplate her name was Caroline Jones.

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