Chapter 29

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Mark woke up to Aliyah sleeping on him. He smiled at her and played ran his thumb along her eyebrows with his freehand. His other hand was rested on her butt he tried to move it but Aliyah would mumble something every time he tried to so he left it there.

Aliyah woke up and sat on Mark for a couple of seconds before standing up and walking into the kitchen. Mark stood up and followed after her.
"Mornin" she said grabbing a pan
"Good Morning" Mark said watching grab food and decided to help her.
"Thanks" she told him yawning and flipping the pancakes.

They ate together and Mark decided to wash the dishes while Aliyah took her shower. She put on Nike shorts and a tee and walked downstairs to Mark doing push-ups. Aliyah smiled and sat on him causing Mark to fall all the way down.
"Aliyah whatchu doin" he asked getting irritated
"I didn't do nothin"
"You doin push-ups with me now" he told her Aliyah smiled and did push ups with him. Her arms started to feel like jelly after ten push-ups.
"My arms hurt" Aliyah whined looking at him
"Good" he told her with a smile

They did a couple more before going to sit ups. Aliyah stomach hurt after a while but she pulled through with Mark. He got in the shower while Aliyah looked at the T.V. He walked back downstairs with a football in his hand looking at Aliyah.

"Come on shortie" he smiled
"Where we goin" she asked not moving.
"The football field"
"Whatchu takin me for ion even play football" she said looking at him.
"You like messin with me so let's go" he said setting her shoes in front of her putting his on.
"You should give me a piggy back ride" Aliyah said smiling
"Come on" Mark said Aliyah jumped on his back and they walked to the field.

Steve and his crew were walking around the town trying to go to the pool when they saw Aliyah and Mark. Bryan was interested and wanted to know what she was doing.
"Can she even throw a ball" Jim asked.
"Yeah" Steve said smiling trying to go swimming
"I wanna see" Quentin said
"What y'all following them for" Steve asked them
"Shut up Steve you know you wanna see her and y'all are like magnets anyway y'all were gonna see each other again"Bryan said walking to the field with the rest of his friends following him.

They sat and watched Mark and Aliyah throw the ball to each other. Mark noticed Steve and his friend sitting on the bleachers he chuckled under his breath.
"Your boyfriend is here" Mark said.
Aliyah looked at around seeing Steve on the bleachers on his phone. She frowned wondering why he wasn't paying attention to her.

"She lookin at you" Bryan said nudging Steve.
"Ion care" Steve lied still looking at his phone.

Aliyah walked up to Steve wanting to know why he wasn't paying any attention to her. She stepped on the bleachers waving at Jim and Quentin. She hugged Bryan and smiled before looking at Steve.

"Hi Stevie" she said smiling Steve didn't respond to her. Aliyah narrowed her eyes and sat next to him.
"Hey Stevie" Aliyah tried again looking at him Steve still ignored her.
"What yall doing tomorrow" Steve asked looking at his friends.
"Nothing" they said I'm unison Steve nodded at them looking in his phone.

Aliyah frowned and looked at him she wanted his attention and she was going to get it. Aliyah put her face in front of his.
"Move Aliyah" Steve said moving back.
"Why you ignoring me" she asked looking at him. Steve didn't respond and got back on his phone. Aliyah sat on his lap and looked at him.
"So im not talkin to you" Aliyah asked
"Get off of me" Steve said looking at her. Aliyah didn't move and pretended like he didn't exist.
"Aliyah move" Steve said seriously with more bass in his voice making his friends jump a little. Aliyah smiled and perked up looking at Steve who was glaring at her.

He stood up and grabbed her by her hand. Aliyah knew she made him upset and she was a smiling mess. Her childish attitude was making Steve even more irritated with her. Aliyah looked at Steve happy that she got what she wanted.

"Aliyah you need to stop taking me as a fucking joke when I tell you to stop you stop" Steve told her Aliyah smiled at him.
"See you doin it right now you fucking smiling at me when I'm tellin you how my ass is feelin and you ain't taking me serious right now" Steve told her loosing his patience.
"I didn't mean to make you mad Stevie" Aliyah said looking up at him still feeling childish and smiling.
"Bye Aliyah" Steve said walking away angry at how she was acting. Aliyah followed after him knowing he was being serious now.
"Come on Steve I was just playing" Aliyah said grabbing his hands.
He pulled away and said "No Aliyah you talk to me when you stop playin"

Aliyah looked at him for a few seconds before walking back onto the field with Mark who was running laps. she looked at him long faced with watery eyes and Mark stopped when he noticed her
"what's wrong with you"he asked her
"Steve don't want me no more" Aliyah frowned about to start crying knowing she brought it on herself.
Mark knew how much she liked Steve by the way her face changed every time his name was brought up.
"Come on shortie" Mark said looking at her knowing she was about to cry.

They walked home and Aliyah walked into her room letting her tears fall down her face as soon as she shut her door. She blasted music to cover her cries. She felt like shit Steve was a perfect boy and she fucked around and lost him. Aliyah wiped her eyes and smiled trying to think of the positive. she was still young and had time to meet more boys.

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