Chapter 14

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Saturday rolled around and Aliyah woke up early did her hygiene stuff and grabbed her old clothes and shoes. She grabbed the portable rack from her moms room and made her way to the flea market. She found an open spot and waited for someone to buy her clothes. Everyone walked past her stand until a little boy walked up to her.

"How much for the shirt" he asked sounding like an adult pointing at a plain red shirt
"Ten dollars" she responded the kid gave her the money and she handed him the shirt.

After the kids purchase Aliyah's spot had a crowd of people buying some people even bid on some of her clothes. She walked home with $500 in her pocket. She opened her door and saw Mark sitting on the couch playing with her siblings. She pulled the rack into her parents old room.

Aliyah walked out and sat on the couch looking at the T.V.
"You goin to the party today" he asked her
"Where at" she asked closing her eyes
"Paula's house" he responded Aliyah looked at Mark with a frown.
"You can show me" she said watching him play with he siblings. Mark got up and laid on her with his tall and heavy body.
"Get off of me you're heavy" Aliyah said trying to push him off. He ignored her and laid on and added more of his weight.
"MOVE" Aliyah yelled at him he got up laughing Aliyah frowned and rolled her eyes.

The party was starting soon and Aliyah got into the shower and washed up. She put on some shorts knowing it was going to be hot in there with a yellow crop top. She walked downstairs with a smile.
"Ready Shortie" Mark said looking at her with a smile.
"Yeah" she responded looking at her siblings who were too into a movie.

They walked into the party and Aliyah got a text from Trayvoyn. Asking if she was at the party. She replied and he told her that he was making his way there. Aliyah stood by the wall.
"Hey girl" A funny looking boy said to her
"Hey" she said looking at him.
"Wanna dance" he asked her she shook her head and stood by the wall.

Mark was dancing when he saw Jennifer she smiled and started grinding on him. Mark held onto her waist and moved to her rhythm.

Aliyah spotted Trayvoyn walk into the the party with a shorter boy next to him. She walked up and smiled.
"Hey" she said hugging him.
"Hey sweetheart this is Bruno" he told her she waved. Bruno was feeling mischievous and decided to stir up some drama.
"You win the bet yet" He asked the couple.
"What bet" They said at the same time.
"You know the one where you were supposed to get into her pants" Bruno said looking at Aliyah who was walking away.
"What the hell" Trayvoyn yelled
"I was just playin" Bruno responded looking at him with a smile
"Bruh if I fucking loose her I'm beating your ass" He told him leaving trying to cool off.

Aliyah walked home with Narrow eyes and sat on her couch. She saw her siblings sleeping on the couch Aliyah washed her dishes and went into her room blasting music. While scrolling threw social media and looking at memes.

Mark was dancing at the party when shots went off he grabbed Jennifer and ran out the back door knowing the front was going to be crowded. Mark pulled her across the street searching for Aliyah.
"Why we stop" she asked looking at him.
"Looking for Aliyah" he told her smiling. Jennifer felt a little jealousy. When Mark didn't see her run out he called her phone walking over to her house. She didn't pick up and Mark picked up his pace.

Mark dropped off Jennifer at her house and walked to Aliyah's. He opened up the door and walked inside smiling knowing she was ok because of the blasting music. He walked up stairs and knocked on her door. The music stopped and she opened the door. Mark hugged her and smiled
"why you touchin me" she asked looking at him
"Worried" he told her with a smile ruffling her hair then she heard a knock on the door.

Aliyah walked downstairs and saw Trayvoyn standing with a bracelet in his hand.
"Whatchu come here for" she asked frowning at him.
"To tell you I'm sorry about my friend" he told her with a smile.
"Whatever" Aliyah frowned and turning back around.
"I brought you a bracelet" he responded using his last resort.
This nigga really think he could buy my love Aliyah thought to herself she looked at him and laughed.
"Here look I'll call him and he'll tell you that he was just playing" he told her Aliyah gave him the go ahead to call and he did.

"I was just playin" Bruno said over the phone. Aliyah kept quiet but was happy that he was playing around.
"Come here sweetheart" Trayvoyn said. Aliyah walked towards him and he took her wrist and put the bracelet on for her they hugged and he made his way home with the widest smile.

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