Chapter 34

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Aliyah was at the farmers market selling her clothes. She was happy that her clothes were getting much more attention. Some people came just to buy her clothes. She smiled knowing that she would be a successful fashion designer.

Aliyah realized that she didn't have to use boys anymore but she liked the attention. She like having them wrapped around her finger and having them buy her things.

After she ran out of clothes to sell. Aliyah walked home with $1,000 in her pocket. She smiled turning onto a block deciding to take the long way home. She turned down a side street and saw a crowd of people. Instead of walking back onto the Main Street she walked down the alley since it was quicker.

A guy appeared, pointing an unloaded gun at her. Aliyah froze with fear she never had anyone point a gun at her. She stared at the man for any distinct features but his body was covered in black clothing from head to toe. Aliyah looked at him with her mouth wide open making the guy give off a chuckle.

"Give me your fucking money" the guy yelled.

Aliyah threw him half of her money to him the guy picked it up still pointing the gun at her. Aliyah grabbed her bracelet rubbing it to calm herself.

"That's a pretty bracelet give it to me too" He told her.

"No" she mumbled it was the last thing her mother gave her and she wasn't going to give it up just like that. He was going to have to cut her wrist off for it.

"Give me the fucking bracelet now" The guy said harshly. Aliyah started crying she fell to the floor and held her left arm tightly.

The guy pointed his gun to her head and Aliyah would rather die than live without that bracelet. She stood up slowly and pounced on the man punching him nonstop busting his lip. The guy finally stopped her and slammed her onto the ground. She took a sharp breath crying out in pain as the pain ran through her body. They guy started kicking her I'm her stomach. Aliyah could taste metal in her mouth as he kicked her. He finally stopped and took her bracelet while she laid on the floor.

Aliyah laid there trying to catch her breath and figure out what happened. She spit out her blood and stood up slowly wincing at every breath she took. She went to grab for her bracelet but remembered it was gone. Aliyah started her walk home looking at the floor not bothering to look at the people around her. She walked onto her street bumping into a person.

"Sorry" She mumbled and kept on walking.

"Aliyah?" Steve said looking at her. Aliyah didn't respond and kept on walking. "Aliyah what happened to you" Steve said walking beside her noticing how messed up her clothes and hair looked.

"Nothing Steve" Aliyah said Steve hugged her and Aliyah broke down.

"He took my bracelet" she sobbed holding onto him Steve shushed her softly still holding on to her. She finally calmed down and started walking to her porch.

Robert was on Aliyah's porch wondering why no one was opening up the door. He heard feet dragging behind him and he turned around seeing a scuffed up Aliyah.

"You know who did this to her" Robert asked practically yelling at Steve .

"No" Steve responded.

"You alright babygirl" Robert asked holding onto her

"Yeah" She lied

"What happened" He asked looking at her.

Aliyah told him what happened and Robert was pissed knowing who did it.

"They took my fucking bracelet" Aliyah said through gritted teeth.

"I can buy you a new one" Robert said

"No you can't" Aliyah yelled at him standing up and slamming her door. Robert looked at Steve with a bewildered face.

"Why can't I" Robert asked.

"Cause her mom brought her it" Steve said

"Why can't her mom buy a new one"

"Cause she's dead" Steve said sitting next to Robert.

The sound of glass breaking and yelling erupted from the house making the boys jump. They looked in her window and saw Aliyah standing on the counter throwing plates and knives. Mark ran out into the living room with the twins wondering what Aliyah was yelling about. The twins snuck out the house walking onto the porch.

"What's wrong with liyah" Jackie asked

"Someone stole her bracelet" Steve said Jackie looked at Robert to make sure he was telling the truth.

"Yeah she lost her bracelet" Robert said picking her up and smiling.

John looked through the window with a smile on his face. His summer had been boring so this was his entertainment for the whole summer.

Mark looked at Aliyah wondering what the hell her problem was he had never seem her this angry and hysterical before. He looked at her not trying to get hit with glass or a knife he waited till she calmed down. He stood for a few minuted and Aliyah broke down again laying on the counter.

"He took my mother from me" She said holding onto herself.

Mark stepped over the glass and picked up Aliyah. She held onto him crying into his neck. Mark was planning on asking her questions but she fell asleep on him. Mark laid her out on the couch and threw a blanket on her. He walked out onto the porch looking at Robert and Steve. While the twins played in the grass.

"What's the problem" Mark asked looking more at Steve than Robert.

"Someone took her bracelet" Steve said

"Well do you know who" Mark asked looking at them

"Yeah probably dat dumbass bitch Patricia and her dumb ass brother" Robert said ready to get into a fight.

"The messed up weave Patricia" Steve asked.

"Yeah how you know her cause she don't be fucking with them shy niggas" Robert asked.

"Uhh she might've talked to me" Steve said craning his neck.

"If I wasn't so mad at that dumb bitch and her brother I would beat your ass cause you's a dumbass" Robert said walking off the porch.

"Watch them for me" Mark said chuckling.

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