"Let me go!" I say and they don't listen.  I then get pushed back and fall to the back seats.  They then grab my feet and I kick at them but they were somehow able to tie them together.  Throwing me to the floor I try to get up but obviously fail when my hands are tied to my back and my legs are stuck together at my feet. 

I begin screaming, maybe they'll let me go.  Suddenly I feel a needle at my neck and I feel my pulse slowing down as my eyes feel heavy.  "Let...me...go," I slowly breathe out as my eyes close shut.

Opening my eyes, I hear music blaring around me as I lay in a dark room. I pull down my arms but they get pulled back. Pulling them down I hiss when I feel something scratching at my wrists. I feel around me and notice I was laying on a bed. Yet I couldn't see around me as it was too dark. I begin kicking the bed in complete frustration. "Get me the fuck out of here!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I move around on the bed and I see figure of a lamp next to me on a night stand. I then kick it off to the floor, hoping someone downstairs would hear me.

Pulling on the ropes around my wrist I hear the bed frame cracking. Grunting I pull on it more but then my skin begins bleeding making me hiss in pain. Hearing footsteps coming up the wooden stairs I begin screaming for help. The bedroom door slams open and I see a figure standing at the door. They then come closer the bed and they were soon enough hovering my body. They get something from their pocket and I stop moving once I hear the sound of the rope being cut.

Once my hands were released I say, "Thank y-" but get cut off when their hand wraps my neck. "You listen here. You say one fucking thing to those people downstairs and I will cut off every limb off of your fucking body," Jason threatens me as he covered my mouth and I nod my head. "Understood?" He says and I nod my head. He then releases his grip on me and I lay on the bed confused.

"C'mon, you have guys waiting for you downstairs," he says and I don't move as I was scared for what was going to happen. "Well c'mon, they're not going to pay me by having you sit on your ass," he says as he then yanks my arm for me to stand up. He walks behind me and gives me push, "Go," he demands me and I walk ahead half naked.

"Any guys walk up to you, you go in one of the rooms and do what you gotta do. They'll give you the money, and you'll back into my room and put it in the shoebox in my closet alright?" He says and I turn around. "Are your prostituting me?" I say in utter disbelief, and he chuckles. "No, I'm just making money out of you. This is what you get for leaving me, and now you're going to make me money by selling your body and helping me sell drugs," he says in my ear as we walked through the many crowds of people downstairs.

Looking around I see cups of beer sitting on the counter and weed bongs on the floor.  The people were drunk and high off their minds.  There was lines of cocaine on the counter and few people cheered on one another to snort it all.  I become worried when I see people taking pills and then drinking the alcohol. 

Do these people not know they can die like that?

I turn around and I see him walking away passing through many people. "Jason!" I say and I feel a hand touch my shoulder so I turn around. "You're the new girl right?" A half naked woman says and I furrow my eyebrows. "New girl?" I say and she smiles while laughing. "Yeah! You know, the new girl for Jason to sell to guys?" She says and I shake my head. "Where are we?" I ask looking around and seeing that the house looked a bit familiar. "I'm not sure, but this is Jason's 'party house', as he likes to call," she says and I ask her if she lived here.

"No. The other girls and I get a percentage from our prostituting, and then we go back home after every weekend party. Sometimes though, if the guy pays enough, they get to take us home for the night!" she explains excitedly and I ask how long Jason has had this. "Since he got out of jail, but don't worry! He's not like crazy or something," she says laughing and I nervously laugh along with her.

Looking at her eyes, I could see she was completely drugged out. I wasn't sure what she was on, but it sure made her pupils extremely dilated.

"Marissa! Erik is waiting for you upstairs in the seventh room!" A woman tells Marissa and she excitedly goes up the stair case. Walking past people I get smoke from a roll of weed blown at my face making me cough. "Aye Jason!" Some drunk guy yells out and I hear him asking where the 'new girl' was. I quickly pass by many people and I reach the back door, I reach for the door knob but get pulled my the shoulders. "Ah ah ah, we can't let you leave, you just got here!" A tall guys tells me as he then guards the door.

"Is this her?!" I hear a guy say as he grabs me by the waist and I remove his hands from me. "Get off of me!" I yell over the music and the guy pulls my arm as he then leads me to the living room. I see a bunch of half naked girls making out with other guys on the couch. "Jason!" the guy yells out as he was making out with two girls. Jason then looks around and he eyes the guy and I.

Jason stands up from the couch and asks the guy how much I was. "She's extra if you want to sleep with her," Jason says and the guy takes out his wallet.  "No!" I say and Jason raises his eyebrows at me.  "You're not prostituting me Jason!" I say and he rolls his eyes.  "Now if I drugged you to sleep would you be fine if he had sex with you?" He says and I scoff.  "I'm not having sex with anyone!" I say walking away and he yells, "Since Justin left I'm sure you're pretty horny!"

Shoving past the people coming my way he says, "C'mon Ana!  I'm sure these guys can fuck you better than he could!" He begins laughing like an idiot as I turned around and eyed him.  "That's all you need Ana.  Just a good fucking to get that stupid look off your face," he says and I tell him to shut up. 

"Oh Justin!" He mocks my voice and I roll my eyes at him.  He begins walking to me and I pass through the crowds of people.  He then runs up to me and carries me by my torso.  I kick at the air accidentally kicking the people around us.  "Let me go!  Get me out of here!" I scream and people began looking at us like we were crazy. 

He accidentally drops me and I crawl away but he grabs me by my tangled hair.  He drags me across the floor by my hair and I scream for help but everyone was too drunk and high to help.  They just stared and some were even cheering as he dragged me up the stairs. 

Once we were up the staircase, he opened up one of the rooms down the hall and pushed me in it.  He goes in the room with me and he slams the door, locking it.  He then walks into the the bathroom and opens up a cabinet getting a syringe.  He gets an old rag and demands me to go over there with them.  I shake my head in fear and he walks up to me as he then yanks my arm, taking me to the bathroom.  He sits me on the floor and gets my arm wrapping it with the old rag.

He then gets a bottle of some liquid and he gets a syringe.  "What is that?" I say and he laughs.  "LSD," he replies and my eyes widen.  I did not want to hallucinate and become addicted to the damn thing.  "Get that shit away from me!" I say and he grabs onto my arm stabbing the syringe into my arm.

"This shit is crazy," he laughs looking at me and I felt light headed.  "They'll kick in within a few moments," he says and he was right as I was already hallucinating in the small bathroom.

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