Park: "Are you done?"

Lam: "Yeah, yes. Please. Go on."

Park: Okay... right. Here it goes."

One Summer Night. there's an outstanding student in the Faculty of Science, named May. She's a real smart. Kinda Cute, tho she's kinda weird. She didn't talk much and always chose to be alone by her self. She's not even interested in having friends what so ever. All she did was study and study. Nothing more. Nothing less .

But one guy caught her attention. He's a handsome student from the faculty of Arts and Photography. And dude. He's a smart one too. Later on, he pays attention to her and even asked her for a date.

But what she didn't know. That was all for a bet. He and his friends played a prank on her.

But she fell deeply in love dude.
She even swore her undying love for him.

Forth: (Woah., that's way too dangerous.)

Then, an incident happened. A Janitor even confessed that he heard everything happened that night ."

Lam: "What? What is it?"

Park: "He said, that May asked her Prof to allow her to stay in the chemistry lab , her Prof even left her the key so she could close it after her activity. And there goes her boyfriend and his stupid friends. The idiots were drunk and when they saw her alone in the laboratory, they force themselves to her and rape her, infront of her boyfriend.

(hang on. This story sounds familiar to me.)

What's worse was that she becomes pregnant. Since those Bastard's are so afraid that she's gonna tell it to everyone about what they did to her, not to mention they were graduating students, they convince the boyfriend to take responsibility. And since that Jerk is guilty too. He Married her and brought her to his village and left her when it's time for him to join the military services. Alone and feeling deserted. May, now in her 8th months of pregnancy. Felt that she was about to give birth. But their house is quite far from the other villagers. Confused on what she's going to do.. she tried to call her husband. But he never answer. That's when she realized that he abandoned her. And swore that what ever happens, he will feel the pain and suffering that she's going through.

The next morning, a woman tried to visit her, found her dead with her unborn child near her..

And so, after a year. The jerk felt something wasn't right. After the death of his wife, he always felt like he's Starving and now had a huge tummy, like he's pregnant or something. That's why he took the courage and went to an OB to check if it's true. And yeah, it was confirmed that he really was carrying a child on his Fucking womb. Then one night, he received a call from an unknown number, he knew that number but that's impossible cause the owner was already dead. After that one missed call, he received a message, saying..


HE SCREAMED and run to the Living Room and saw Her crawling out from the Television and then JUMP to him and then BAM! he fell from the 11th floor of the building.


Park: "SO, How's the story?"

● ● ●



Forth: "FUCK YOU!! " and we throw all the chips, nuts even the cans of beer to him. This Jerk!! YOU IDOT! That's a hell of Fucking horror movies in your Fucking Horror story!"

Lam: "Yeah, there's PEE MAK, THE SWIMMERS.."


Lam: "Even THE RING!"

Forth: "yeah! Why don't you add The Conjuring, The Ghost Game, Silent Hill, Final Destination! "

Park: "Really?!!"

Forth: "NO! FUCK YOU!"

Lam: "SHIT, we're just wasting our time! Let's go Forth!"

Forth: "Yeah! Fuck this!"

Park: "Hey wait Up! Hey, wait. Did you hear that?"

Forth: "What now? There's no one in the hall way! "

Park: "But.."

Lam: "F..Forth?"

Forth: "WHAT?!!"

Lam: "Loo..Look.. Look!"

Forth: AISH! WHAT THE...!"


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Bright: "OY M! What the Fuck?!

KongPob: "'M! what's that? Is some one screaming or what? "

M: "Yeah! hahaha! Sorry Kong, that's Forth and his Idiot's! I heard voices in the hallway so i tried to peek and then I saw those idiots, I decided to scare them away. And that's when you heard the screaming! Haha Fucking Hilarious."

KongPob: "Alright, go back to your seats now, we will continue the meeting. "

"YES Boss!"

The End.

Freaking Sotus Gathering! LOL! ↖(^▽^)↗ I hope you like the story. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (*^﹏^*).

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