While waiting for Shawn, Jenna looks down at her phone, her best friend back in BC calling in. "Hey," she answers.

"I just saw the game. Oh my gosh! Congratulations!"

"Thank you," Jenna smiles, running her thumb across the ring on her finger.

"Were you shocked?"

"That he did it at his game? Yes. That he did it? No."

"Well I mean are you happy? You don't sound too thrilled for a woman that just got engaged."

"Yes," Jenna chuckles. "I'm very happy. I would have been happy with him regardless."

"Well, now you guys get to live happily ever after. He's your high school sweetheart right?"

"Preschool, middle school, high school," Jenna smirks.

"When are you going to start popping out kids?"

"Don't," Jenna says quickly.

"You guys would make adorable babies."

"Yeah, we would. He has Cora. She's enough."

"You don't want a baby of your own? With his good genes?"

"I'm sure one day it will happen. Why do you want me to start popping out babies? Have some of your own."

"Because I know you want a big family."

"That's not true. I said I wanted a family and I'll have that with Shawn and Cora."

"Okay Jenna," her friend says.

"I'll call you later," Jenna hangs up and flips through her phone, waiting for Shawn. Her head snaps up a couple of minutes later and sees him walk out of the locker room, hair still wet in some jeans and a shirt. "Hey," she says, sliding her sunglasses on top of her head.

"Hey baby," he answers. "Ready to go?"

"Mhm," Jenna gets up, following him. "My girlfriend wants us to have kids as soon as possible."

"She does huh?"

"Mhm. Lots and lots of them."

"Like ten? Is that a good number?" Shawn smirks, climbing in the rental car.

"Oh god no," Jenna shakes her head.

Chuckling to himself, the two head back to the hotel. When they arrive back, Shawn has a message and a missed FaceTime call from Cora but the message telling him congratulations.

"Shawn?" he hears Jenna, kicking her shoes off and unbuttoning the buttons on the jersey.


"How many kids do you want?"

"I'd be fine with one more," he shrugs.

"You'd be fine, or you'd be happy?"

"I'd be happy," he smiles.

"What if," Jenna begins to say, stopping and taking a breath. "What if I can't?"

"What do you mean?"

"After everything, what if I can't give you children?"

"Baby people have kids after miscarriages."

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