Chapter 16

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"Hey," Shawn smiles opening the door, seven on the dot as Jenna steps in, "come on in."

"Oh Jenna honey," his mom turns the corner, grabbing her in an embrace.

"Hi Mrs. Rhosen. How are you?"

"I'm good. Oh, honey, you look good."

"Thanks?" Jenna laughs.

"Alright I'm gonna get out of here," his mom says, kissing her son's cheek.

"You're not staying?" Jenna asks.

"Oh no dear, I already had prior plans, but you three have a great evening," she smiles. "It was great to see you again honey. Come around more often," she winks, squeezing her arm and walking out the door.

"It was good to see you again Mrs. Rhosen."

"See ya mom," he nods shutting the door. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Just water would be great," she nods as they both walk into the kitchen.

"Miss. Jenna!" Cora squeals, running in.

"Hi sweetheart!" Jenna smiles, hugging the little girl. "How are you?"

"I'm good!"

"Good. Did you help your daddy with dinner?"

"No, he wouldn't let me."

"Um no, you told me you had to color a picture for Miss. Jenna that's why you couldn't help me," Shawn points to his daughter who is laughing.

"A picture for me? Well maybe you should go finish it, and I'll help your daddy."

"Okay!" Cora smiles, running off to finish the picture.

"I don't need your help either," he smirks.

"Mhm, last time you cooked for me you almost killed me," she smiles thinking about when Shawn tried to cook for her for the first time and didn't know she was allergic to pepper. "That was quite the date."

"And I still feel like a dick to this day."

"You didn't know."

"I know," he laughs.

"What did you make?

"I'm making lasagna. The queen demanded it..." Shawn smirks, setting down his beer.

"Well it is a delicious meal," Jenna smiles leaning against the counter next to him.

"You look terrific," Shawn smiles, his eyes flicking down her.

"You aren't looking too bad yourself. I guess no one's going to bug you about your size now, huh?" Jenna smirks poking at his bicep.

"No, I don't think so."

"I hear you're doing well with the team."

"Yeah I've been alright," Shawn smiles. "You've been keeping up? Or did you google me before you came?"

Jenna hits his arm with the water bottle. "Shut up. I do read the paper, and heaven forbid a day goes by where 'local star athlete Shawn Rhosen' doesn't make an appearance."

"I'm not that big of a star."

"Maybe you should tell people that," Jenna smirks sitting down.

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