
Always putting your best interests before his, Chanyeol would do his best to feign ignorance about the entire plan you had made. The king of reactions, Chanyeol would let out an overdramatic yell and throw his hands up in the air when you and the members jumped out at him. It would be slightly obvious that it wasn't quite a surprise, however he'd sell it the best he could, and the party would be a success nonetheless.

 It would be slightly obvious that it wasn't quite a surprise, however he'd sell it the best he could, and the party would be a success nonetheless

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Lay would be so flattered that you were putting so much effort into a surprise party that he'd just sit back and giggle the whole time. He'd have to stop himself from listening to your super-secret phone calls with Kai, and would simply shake his head when he saw mysterious balloons "hidden" in your closet. After the party, he'd thank you profusely for you hard work, and how much it meant to him.

 After the party, he'd thank you profusely for you hard work, and how much it meant to him

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A phenomenal actor, D.O would easily convince you that he was oblivious to what was happening around him. He'd make sure to ignore the odd text messages you'd get from other members, discussing times and what to say when you'd surprise him. At the party, he'd keep up the act the entire time, never leading you to suspect that he had been aware of the plan since the beginning.

 At the party, he'd keep up the act the entire time, never leading you to suspect that he had been aware of the plan since the beginning

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Oh, Suho. He would be so giddy at the thought of a surprise party that he'd almost give away that he knew it was going on. He'd have to stop himself from asking how the planning was going, instead casually bringing up that he thought he had seen mysterious gifts hiding under the bed. He'd never push it though, enjoying how cute you were when you were trying to be secretive.


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Completely immature about the matter, Kai would frequently hint that he knew that you were planning a surprise party all along. He'd never fully admit it; but, it would become more and more obvious the closer the date got. At one point, he'd even make sure to tell you what his favorite flavor of cake was, "just in case you're wondering." He'd make sure to act completely fooled at the party, claiming he hadn't seen it coming at all.

" He'd make sure to act completely fooled at the party, claiming he hadn't seen it coming at all

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Amused, and slightly flattered about the whole ordeal, Sehun would quietly listen to your stealthy, late-at-night calls, where you'd discuss with the members your plans. Obviously he didn't want to soil your fun, but he'd casually ask what the call was about. When you told him it was nothing, he'd just nod and brush it off, smirking to himself. The day of the party, he'd act surprise, though a bit smug as well.

 The day of the party, he'd act surprise, though a bit smug as well

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