its been awhile

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August 24th was the last time I updated this book. Throw tomatoes at me. I know I'm a horrible person.

HOWEVER. School started that week and having work, school, and being the secretary of dance is a workload.

Last week I lost it and started crying uncontrollably when my mom and dad decided to come at me for being late to school for one day and coming out of dance late instead of asking if I was okay. I started crying when I got to my room and kept going for what seemed like hours. I was tired, stressed, my anxiety was through the roof, and my emotional and mental health reached an all time low.

Right now I'm better. I went to  the global citizen festival yesterday (9/29) and saw Janelle Monae, John Legend, Shawn Mendes, Cardi B, Janet Jackson, and my husband, The Weeknd, perform. It was honestly needed, being away from home for more than 12 hours felt great. I felt relieved, and felt much better. I was genuinely happy and ecstatic.

But enough of that. There's a lot of things I need to speak about. Bill Cosby, Bret Kavanaugh, and the end of bail are just a few on what I'm gonna speak about. So stay tuned for that.

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