"I wish I was black!!1!!"

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No. No tf you don't.

See when people say this it's usually because of why people love black people. Our diverse culture. Our versatile hair. Our physical features.

Ya know what many people are stealing and also trying to get. Yeah the physical things.

But people sure forget that black people are being executed "legally" at rates that could be compared back to the 1960s or even further back. People sure forget that the color of our skin is already considered a weapon thus we are "dangerous people". People sure forget that being black means having to watch your every single move making sure not to make yourself seem suspicious. People sure forget that when you're black you are automatically a suspect to anything BECAUSE you are black.

Being black isn't just some costume you can put on whenever you want. Being black is a lifestyle. Being black is a struggle within itself that we ourselves have to try to make the most of it.

People that wanna be black, want to black WITHOUT being black ya know? 

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