You can INDEED be queer AND racist

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Can you believe that there are people out here who think just because they're part of the lgbtqia+ community then they can't be racist? Like at all?

Can you believe that there are people out here who think just because they're part of the lgbtqia+ community then they can't be racist? Like at all?

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

This is my mood because this logic makes no sense at fucking all! Like can we please use some common sense in this world? Please.

"I can't be racist, I'm (insert sexual orientation here)!" No no honey. Yes you can be racist. (Unless you are anything other than white. Then you're anti-black 🤗) 

Just because you are oppressed because of your sexual orientation does not, I repeat DOES NOT, mean you lack the power to oppress others. This isn't your math class. There is no canceling out. I understand you gonna use math in real life but you just taking it way too far.

And tbh how did we end up with that conclusion? Like I'm seriously trying to think of why the community would come up with this end thought and I cannot think of anything.

WAIT maybe ... Nah ...

OR ... Nope still no logical reasoning. 

So yes you can be queer and racist. It is a thing. It is possible. I don't care if we in the same community, my race is just as important to me. So shaboop with that fuckery. 

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