Lemme Tell Y'all ...

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Ight so on Tuesday (8/8), I had my college orientation. Now I don't know if y'all can tell but I'm not a huge of social interaction. I don't make friends easily. Big crowds are not my thing. I prefer home than going out. Did I mention I get anxious? Yeah social interaction is a hugeee no no.

So of course during orientation they gonna try to make us talk to each other and make friends and whatnot. I was not with the shits at all. Like first off, how the hell can you be friends with someone you just met like five minutes ago? Like that baffles me tbh.

Anyways, they doing like presentations on what goes on around the school and then I hear this girl talking to herself ... Like straight up talking to herself. Homegirl was whispering to herself and laughing to herself. Mind you I'm next to her so I'm there trying not to put a weirded out face. And the funny thing is I FELT LIKE I KNEW HER. Like omg she looked sooo familiar but I wasn't gonna try to ask cause um ... Ya girl here don't like talking to people.

Next thing we did was play games to find people that we have things in common and whatever and basically try to get comfortable.


Y'all I wanted to die.

Until I saw this black cutie walk into this little group thing we were doing. Tall ... Glasses ... Nice voice ... But he was from Long Island 😐

Lunch time was honestly shit for me. I sat by myself and ate. I could've sworn I was in a basic ass teenage movie. Everyone having full blown convos with people they JUST met like bih how you do that??? Joking and laughing around like um y'all were strangers just a second ago??? What type of witchcraft??

Anyways y'all I was just talking about my personal life but seriously I start in like two weeks and they having this cookout for specific students in the program I'm in and the boy gonna be there so um aha 🙂

Wish me luck and hope I dont stumble over my words like Imma stumble over my feet

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