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You know what has me really, REALLY irritated?

Black men. 

And no not all black men -.- 

But the majority of black men who has the nerve to call themselves pro-black ... Then continue on to treat black women like complete shit and barely acknowledge the struggles they go through or say that they're over-reacting about their struggles.

Black men are the white people of the black community. Telling black women what or what is not true about themselves.

Black women apparently don't experience colorism, yet black men are the people that love to talk about light skin women are better than dark skin women, and they wouldn't dare date a girl that's not red bone. 

Black women apparently cannot face police brutality because the majority of these problack pages ran by ankh men or hoteps as I like to call them, only acknowledge the death of black men by police.

Black women are the bad face of the race for being too ghetto, not acting like the Black Queens they are. They are slut-shamed, and just shamed in general.

But yet they are pro-black as fuck and believe that we are all Kings and Queens.  😌

They irk the fuck out of me. 

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