Waking up and new information

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Still Sweat Pea's p.o.v.
I stood with Toni,Archie,Veronica, and Betty. Kneeling next to her grave the tears falling wetting the ground. I looked over at Betty balling.

"Our storys not over yet it's just the beginning okay so you come back to me".

I looked back at princess's grave and placed the bouquet of yellow roses against the stone. I stood up wiping away the dried tears and walked over to Toni who was holding her arm out. I walked into her letting her small arms wrap around my waist comfortingly.

I blinked away the tears stinging at my eyes ready to fall and we slowly walked away.

A.J.'s p.o.v.

I opened my eyes and looked over to see Jughead laying peacefully, but bruised and beaten. The memories came back and I pushed myself up looking around. I saw my dad asleep waiting in one of the chairs. "Am I dead?" I asked softly and both of the guys in the rooms eyes fluttered open quickly.

"Oh my god," my dad whispered staring at his now awake children "What'd we miss?" I asked my voice cracking, because I was scared to hear the answer. "What you did brought every serpent I've ever known out on the woodwork. You would've been proud of them guys, " he said staring in the air.

"I thought we were gonna have the win but in the end there were just, to many ghoulies. It's like shooting snakes in a barrel, " I looked over at Jughead who looked over at me then back at my dad. "Why - Why did you do go? " Jughead asked staring at him. "I wanted to avenge you, " he responded "And cooperate with Hiram Lodge, " he said I looked down waiting for another fight to break out. "I couldn't stop the others they were all churning because of you and Fangs even though Fangs is - Fangs is alive, " he said " What Fangs is alive? " Jughead asked and I sighed relieved.

"I thought a deputy called and told you he was dead, " Jug whispered. "No that was a lie, " my dad stated with a small grin. " A ploy you mean to get the serpents to a fight they couldn't win, " I said they both looked over at me obviously surprised I spoke up. "All of our headback was Hiram Lodge's perfectly planned mousetrap, " Jughead whispered again. Almost as if we said anything to loud we would all break.

I huffed " And the serpents followed us right into it," guilt tugging at my heart for the people that fell into the mouse trap and me "dying" was the cheese. "Sunnyside trailer park fell. If our trailer is still standing it may have been burned, " my dad told us I shook my head not really wanting to believe any of this. "Kids, after the fight some of the serpents defected, they joined the ghoulies, others got arrested, some went into hiding and the others left town, " he leaned forward.

"The serpents don't exist anymore".

I leaned back in my bed my mind racing at all the new information. This is all my fault. It was my idea. I rolled onto my side knowing I was going to cry if I couldn't hold it back. Truth be told I didn't want to hold it back not with everything that happened. A few tears dotted my cheeks when Sweat Pea threw himself in through the doorway grinning. The dried tears stuck on his cheeks made my heart hurt, but I plastered a fake grin on my face anyways to make him feel better.

He walked over to my bed bending over me, "I'm so happy your up princess I couldn't live with myself if you didn't wake up, " he whispered a tear falling down his cheek.

I wiped the tear off his cheek grinning. "I'm always gonna wake up Sweat Pea especially when I know that I'm waking up to you, " I told him softly and he nodded smiling back at me.

An over perky nurse walked in with an obvious fake smile staring at the clipboard. "You guys should be good to go but we're gonna keep you till tomorrow just in case, " she looked back in fourth at me and Jughead grinning and we both nodded at the same time. "Bye golly are y'all twins?" I giggled a little at the way she talked and she looked at me anger washing over her eyes. "Yes ma'am, " I told her with a fake cheery voice like hers.

"Don't irritate the nurse she might kill you in your sleep tonight, " Sweat Pea whispered in my ear. I laughed but not at the joke I laughed at the awful attempt of one hoping he'd think I was just laughing at his joke. "How cool, " she replied before walking off.

"We'll be out of here first thing tomorrow, " Jughead told our group of friends. He looked over at me and I grinned. "That's good guys because we need your brains, " Archie said but I'm sure he was mainly talking to Jughead. I mean he is the mystery solver.

"There's another mystery to solve, " he said looking back and fourth at us. "Mr.Cooper was at the town hall when some other black hood took shot at the candidates and was at home with Betty and Mrs. Cooper when another black hood - probably the same one as the one at the town hall came and attacked me and my dad, " his words sent shivers down my spine when I remembered what happened. He looked at me and I smiled softly thankful he didn't bring up my name.

"So..., " he said waiting for an answer. "Well the second attacks at the townhall and at your house seem to indicate a political motives,which to me suggests... " I knew what he was thinking but before I could say anything Veronica spoke bitterly. "That my fathers behind them? I dont disagree, with Fred out of the way my mothers path to victory is that much more assured, " I nodded slowly still processing everything that was going on.

"So if were gonna stop Hiram we gotta do it now once the Lodges are in control of the mayors office they'll be untouchable, " Archie said "Yeah but do you really think Hiram would put on a black hood and start shooting people for a mayor ship? " I asked finally deciding to speak up.

"No but he would hire someone to do it, " Veronica suggested. "We were thinking it would be a serpent guys or a ghoulie, " I looked over at Jughead waiting to see his answer. "Or even more insidiously the man that Hiram put in charge himself, " Jughead replied. "Sheriff Minetta I replied remembering the strange conversation we had after Fangs' arrest.

" He was supposedly guarding the townhall that night but no one saw him, " Veronica said nodding. "And was M.I.A. most of the riot night, " Archie stated. "I'd start there, " I told them " Will do, " Archie said nodding. "I have to go down to the sheriff's station anyways, " "Why Arch? " Betty questioned. He paused before answering "To identify your dad, " he told her softly. An uncomfortable silence left the room and I waved my hand for Sweat Pea - who had stayed quiet this whole time - to come over to my bed. "Lay with me? " I asked softly. I rolled slightly so he could fit on the small white bed and I cuddled into him the warmth comforting me. Everything slowly fading, fading into the darkness we call sleep.

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