Reggie shot Fangs?????

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My eyes slowly opened when  I started to realize the pain in my neck.  I looked around and saw Sweat Pea was highly satisfied watching Mission impossible. I'm guessing something interesting happened because his eyes went wide then he pushed another piece of popcorn in his mouth.

I giggled a little when he noticed I was up "Everytime Kira, " "I know I'm sorry Sweat Pea, " "Are you okay though you seem to be extra tired lately, " I nodded.  "I'm fine, " he grinned at me and I did the same back before checking the time on my phone.

Crap "We're late, " I told Sweat Pea as I searched the collection of clothes I left his house.  He replied with a grunt when I looked over he was fully dressed and ready to go.  I ended up choosing:

When I walked out of the bathroom Sweat Pea was staring at me

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When I walked out of the bathroom Sweat Pea was staring at me. "What? Do I have something on my face? " he chuckled softly but nodded his head no at me.  "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are, " heat flooded to my cheeks and I laughed awkwardly in response.  "Thanks, " I told him and he nodded. 

We rode Sweat Pea's  bike to the debate.  We walked and no one noticed how late we were so we took a seat in the back I sat in between Reggie and Sweat Pea. Oh the awkwardness I thought to myself then giggle out loud by accident.

Reggie and Sweat Pea gave me curious looks but I tried to keep my eyes on the debate.  Halfway through Hermione Lodge's sentences Veronica pushed forward pointing up.  "Oh my god it's the black hood, " The shots rang in my ear while Sweat Pea pulled me down. 

"A.j. Jones I know your in here.  I'll make it easy for you come out now or I shoot anyone of these random people, " The voice,  it was so familiar.  I tried  to picture where I heard it from. I heard a noise then a sad voice of what I suppose was an old woman.

"Please don't hurt me,  please, " the woman's words rang in my ear as I stood up to reveal myself.  Sweat Pea tried to pull me down but I pushed him off.

As I assumed he was holding the old woman with a gun to her head.  "Your coming with me Jones, " I nodded processing the situation.  When the cops busted in.  "Hey put the weapon down,  they yelled at the hooded man he stared at them distracted I looked over at the sad woman and took my chance.  I pulled her away from him when he looked over he cocked the gun and pulled the trigger.

I jumped over the woman praying I wouldn't hurt her. The sound of the shot so close made my hearing fade slowly. I opened my eyes and checked all over my body then aaw the gunshot right next to my calve. Jesus is real I said to myself happily.  I pulled myself up and noticed the police had lost the man,  he must've ran.

I helped the old lady get on her feet and she shoved me into a hug. "Thank you for helping me my husband is sick and I don't know what I would do if I wasn't there to help him, " I nodded at her secretly searching for Sweat Pea.

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