"Whoo-Whee look at those fish!!" Clay exclaimed impressed at the size of the fish.

"I sure wish I'd brought my pole." He added.

"Look!" Raimundo said jumping onto a rock and plunges his hand into the water.

"What? I don't see anything." Kimiko stated.

The Dragon of Wind smirks and pulls out the Shroud of Shadows.

Kimiko looks at the Shen Gong Wu amazed at how fast Raimundo found it "But just what we're looking for!"

"The Shroud of Shadows." Omi said impressed.

Standing up Raimundo looks at the Wu proudly "Nothing to it." He said smugly.

But his victory was short lived when he's pushed into the pond by an Angel-bot.

Tubbimura then appears and jumps onto the rock Raimundo was just on and grabs the Shroud of Shadows.

"Thank you for locating the Shen Gong Wu. We will take possession of it now." He proclaimed as Angelynn, Wuya, and more Angel-bots appear behind him.

"Water!" Omi exclaimed and jumps towards the ninja and kicked him in the stomach.

Tubbimura groans as he falls into the pond.

"Fire!" Kimiko exclaimed and grabs an Angel-bot by the head and flings it towards Angelynn who was reaching for the Shroud of Shadows.

Angelynn looks at the incoming robot in shock as it slammed right into her.

Knocking her into a rose bush.

She exclaims in pain "Ow! Thorns!"

Jackie sighs in annoyance "Why do they need to say that every time they're about to attack. It's not like people forget the name of our elements." She muttered to herself as she jumps in the air to avoid the incoming attack from two Angel-bots.

Which made the two robots slammed into each other and explode.

"Earth!" Clay exclaimed.

He jumps into the air and does a cannonball that pushed Tubbimura to the edge of the pond.

He then quickly grabs the Shroud of Shadows "Got it!"

Unnoticed to him, Tubbimura pushed his self from the edge of the pond and came flying at him.

Clay groaned when Tubbimura knocked him away by using just his size.

Tubbimura bends down to grab the Shen Gong Wu, but at the same time Raimundo grabbed it "No way this is mine!" Raimundo proclaimed.

"There is only one way to determine the winner. I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown." The Plus size ninja proclaimed.

Raimundo smirks "Bring it."

"We will each stand on a rock in the pond. And try to knock the other one into the water." Tubbimura explained.

"Sounds good. But just to make it a little more fun. I challenge you to a Shen Yi Bu Dare!" Raimundo exclaimed.

"Shen Yi what? Ok. Now I'm sure they're making stuff up." Angelynn stated.

"You mind fillin us in, Partner?" Clay asked.

"I must admit, even an expert like myself does not have this knowledge." Omi proclaimed.

Dojo leans against Clay's shoulder as he tries to think about it "The Shen Yi Bu Dare." He sniffles "Yeah. well, of course I know what it is. But, uh, for everyone else. Why don't you, uh, fill them in, Uh, Raimundo." He said.

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