"You must not dwell in the House of Failure, young one. Or you may never be able to leave it." Master Fung said wisely.

"I shouldn't have lost Master Fung. I'm more skilled than Tubbimura. And in way better shape." He exclaimed.

"You weren't defeated by your opponent, Raimundo." The old monk stated.

"Oh, no? would you like to see the impression of his boot on my butt?" Rai asked turning around.

Master Fung looks away and puts his hands in front of him "Uh, that won't be necessary." He replied.

"You were defeated by your lack of knowledge. Remember, A drop of knowledge is more powerful than a sea of force."

Raimundo sighed in annoyance "Can't anyone speak normally around here." he muttered under his breath.

Master Fung pats his shoulder "Reflect on these things. As for me, I think I shall take my hand at Goo-Zombies 2."

With that the old monk took his leave to find Kimiko.

Raimundo thinks about what he said and looks at the Shen Gong Wu scroll.

Walking over it he reads all he could about the Sword of the Storm to the point it was midnight.

And Clay with a candle walks over to him "Raimundo, partner, it's pretty late. Maybe you ought to give that stuff a rest." He said as he rubs his eye with his free hand.

"No way. I'm going to learn everything I can about the Shen Gong Wu." Raimundo replied.

"Doesn't do any good to close the barn door. After the horses get out." Clay stated.

"What?" Rai questioned.

Clay was thinking on telling him, but he was too tired "Never mind." He said leaving to get some rest.

Then smoke filled the room as Dojo rubs his nose "Remember how I thought I was only allergic to the Sword of the Storm?" Dojo asked.

"Yeah." Rai inquired.

"I'm uh...I'm, uh" Raimundo looks at the green in fear once he realizes that he's about sneeze again.

He immediately falls out his seat as the dragon sneezed and was pushed up against the ceiling "Wrong." Dojo groaned.

Getting everyone up they looked at the scroll "The Shroud of Shadows." Clay said reading the name.

"Why is he disappearing?" Omi asked.

"Is there a problem with the scroll?" Kimiko questioned.

Raimundo shakes his head "No, this Shen Gong Wu is the Shroud of Shadows. Which allows its user to become invisible." He explained.

Kimiko looks at the scroll impressed "Really?"

"Very good Raimundo." Master Fung said impressed.

"Come on, let's go." Dojo said in a stuffy voice from both sinus issues and the clothes pin on his nose.

"The sooner we find that Shen Gong Wu, the sooner my sinuses clear out." He said as he turns big.

Kimiko smiles "Now that's a pretty picture."

Once they were ready they all got on Dojo and flew to their next destination which was Tokyo.

Kimiko smiles in glee at seeing her home "Tokyo, home sweet home." She proclaimed happily.

Dojo landed in an open field that has a small lake with a water sprinkler in the middle.

Walking to the water they all looked down at the multiple Catfish swimming around.

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