•I can help

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Saturday, 10:00 a.m.

Jaemin and I are the only two up. We got bored so we started unpacking the living room together.

"Where do you want this box for now?" Jaemin asks picking up a box off of the couch.

"Anywhere for now." I laugh. "Ya know, you do technically live here too, so you don't have to worry about me deciding where things go."

"Oh, ye, yeah." He stuttered while smiling.

We moved all the boxes into the hallway just to get them out of our way, Jaemin had to get all the heavy ones, I'm too weak for them. After all the boxes were moved, we started to move the big furniture around.

"So, what I'm thinking is having the couch over there by the window, and having the tv over there." I say pointing to the opposite wall of the window.

"What about the glare? The light from the window will shine on to the tv and it'll be hard to see..." Jaemin points out.

"True, so swap it around and have the tv there and the couch there?" I cross my arms and stick one leg out.

"Yea I think so. And you know what?" He starts to laugh. "If the others don't like it then they'll either have to deal with it or move the stuff around themselves."

I start laughing with him and move the last box out of the room.

"Before we move anything, we should stretch." Jaemin suggested.

"Stretch? What are you? 70?" I laugh.

"Well I mean, it's not fun to pull a muscle. I'm sure you don't want to do that. I'm just helping you out." He shrugs and starts to stretch. I don't say anything and start stretching with him.

We start moving the couch and all the big things into the room and set it up. By the time we're done with the big stuff, it's already 11:40 and still nobody is awake.

"Wow, I'm surprised nobody is awake yet." I sit on the couch tired. "I'm sure we weren't that quiet."

"Yea I know." He giggles. "I guess they were more tired than us."

Jaemin sits next to me and looks confused.

"What?" I ask smiling.

"Wait...aren't you supposed to get Pip around 11? It's 11:40 now."

My eyes widen as I open my mouth and cover it with my hands. "Oh shit! I gotta go!" I shout jumping off the couch.

"Wait!" Jaemin grabs my wrists. "Let me come with, I'm sure it won't be easy driving with him crawling around everywhere. I can help."

"Oh, yea true... I wish I had a kennel." I say hesitantly.

"Is it really that big of a deal if I come with? You really don't like me do you?" He sighs.

"No, I don't-. Just, let's go." I shake my head and head out the door.

I get outside and Jaemin pulls his car keys out of his pocket. "I'll drive. You can hold Pip." I nod and get in the front seat.


I rush into my parents' house and immediately apologize for being late.

"Jumin it's okay." My mom laughs. "It's not that big of a deal...but how are you gonna bring him with you, without him climbing all over?" That's when Jaemin walked in.

"I drove her. I knew she didn't have a kennel for him so I figured I could help." He smiled.

"Oh okay, thank you, hun." Mom smiled at him. "You better get your brother and tell him to say goodbye to Pip."

I nod and walk to Hyeon's room. I open the door and see him reading a book. "Hey." I speak softly.

He lifts his head up and smiled since he got to see me again. He immediately put a bookmark in and closed his book to run over and give me a hug.

"I missed you." He whispered.

"You saw me yesterday." I laugh.

"I know but it's weird... seeing your room empty, and the bathroom free of all your makeup and stuff."

I hug him tighter and feel him look up and let go.

"What's up?" I tilt my head.

"Why is he here?" He points at Jaemin.

I was startled at first because I didn't expect him to follow me. "Oh, he gave me a ride, I'm here to pick Pip up."

"Oh." Hyeon looked down saddened.

"Hey, it's okay you'll be able to see him again soon enough."

Jaemin tugs at my wrist and pulls me away to talk to me. "What if he comes over for a bit? He hasn't seen the place, and he can be with you and Pip as well. I can drive him back here tonight or tomorrow if he wants to sleep over." He whispers in my ear.

"Yea. That would be great! Are you sure you can drive him? I can do that." I smile.

"It's no problem for me." He looks back at Hyeon.

I nod and turn back to Hyeon and kneel down to his height.

"How about this, you can come back to my house with me and Jaemin, and Pip, and sleep over if you want." I grab his hand.

"Really?" He shouts getting excited.

"Yep!" I smile.

"OKAY LETS GO!" He screams packing his stuff.

I stand up and look at Jaemin then the both of us start laughing.


Jaemin grabs Pip and I say goodbye to my mom and dad.

I walk out to the car and grab Pip from Jaemin's arms and get in. "Buckle up!" I smile looking in the rear view mirror while looking at my brother. "Then I'll give You Pip."

"Okay!" He buckles his seatbelt and reaches for Pip.

I hand him Pip and get my seatbelt on. "All set."

"Okay, let's go." Jaemin says backing out of the driveway smiling.


It's complicated. {Na Jaemin ff} (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now