As I held her close to my body, I hear glass break downstairs making me immediately sit up from the bed. "Stay here," Ana says and I shake my head. "Justin," she says holding onto my wrist. "Just lock the door," she says and I ask her where the aluminum bat was. "Listen to me. Just stay here. If you stay quiet, they won't find us," she says and I whisper. "It's Jason. You know he'll find us," I say and she pulls on my arm as I attempt to open the bedroom door.

"Why won't you fucking listen to me," she says upset and then a huge bang was heard. I immediately carry Ana and I rush her into the bathroom. "Go under! Hurry!" I frantically tell her to go under the double sink. "We both won't fit," she says once she's in and I shove myself under the cabinets with her. As she layed down, my back faced the outside. 

I hear kicking at the wooden door and then some of the pieces cracking. "Ana!" I hear Jason slur. As I lay there in the dark with Ana, I hear her harshly breathing. She begins to sob and I have to cover her mouth with my hand so Jason wouldn't hear her.

"Sh," I quietly say as tears rolled down her face. We both hear him walking around the room. "Where's the bat?" He says and he laughs as he messes up the room to look for it. He then gasps, "I found it," he says and Ana sobs even more. "It hurts," she says and I tell her to stay quiet. "H-hurts," she says and I ask her what hurt. She grabs my other hand and places it at the lower part of her stomach.

"C'mon Ana, you don't have to hide. Let me hit that baby with the bat," he says dragging the aluminum bat along the tile floor. He stumbles and falls on the floor and the aluminum bat rolls to us. He laughs as he was drunk off his mind.

He stands up and we hear him open the closet door. "Now, if I remember correctly... you have a gun in a shoe box," he slurs as he looks through the closet. He then gasps, "Oh look at this shit. It could easily kill your boyfriend and the baby," he says and then a loud bang was heard making Ana scream. I cover her mouth as she began panicking.

"Baby, please stay quiet. Please," I beg Ana so that Jason wouldn't find out we were in here. "It hurts," she whispers and I whisper, "I know. But he's going to hear us," I faintly whisper once we hear him coming close to us.

I could hear Ana panting and she groans as tears come out of her eyes. "Sh," I tell her covering her mouth and then she loudly gasps in pain. She grunts and breathes hard under my hand. Suddenly I feel a liquid around my legs as it spread around us. "What th-" "Shit," I say but get interrupted by Ana cursing as she was in immense pain. She loudly gasps and I cover her mouth immediately.  "They're coming," she says as she breathed hard and quick.

"What?" I ask and she squirms around as Jason was walking around the bathroom knocking things over. She grunts as she held her stomach. She removes my hand and she quickly says, "My water broke. We need to go to the hospital," and Jason stops what he was doing.

Ana tries her best to stay still and quiet as we heard Jason approaching the cabinet. He picks up the bat, and then he slowly opens the cabinet where my feet were. As he opened it, he peaked in and I quickly kicked his face. "Agh!" He yells out as he takes his head out of the cabinet. I quickly drag myself out of the cabinet and I come into face with a drunk Jason.

He points the gun at me and I quickly bend down as I dodge the bullet. I push him to the floor and I kick the gun out of his hand. He crawls to grab it but I grab his leg. He kicks at my wrist, but I dragged him into the closet and locked the door once I closed it.

He immediately begins banging on the door and yelling for me to open it but I ignore him. I quickly hide the gun behind Ana's mirror and I hide the bat under the things Ana had in her other closet.  I open the cabinet. "C'mon," I say as I gently pull Ana's body to me. I place my arm under the back of her knee and her arms wrap my neck.

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