"Ethel's. She and her parents will be out. She'll leave us a key." Betty said.

Now Chuck is the one who is confused. She tilt her head to look at him as he gave her a confused expression.

"We're friends," Betty said, "And she has a pool- and a hot tub."

Chuck raised his eyebrows, "I'll be there." He said, "Definitely."

Betty tries to hide her disgust of Chuck -- but she was really good at playing the actress.

"Um, hey and don't worry. I'll be gentle." Chuck said.

Betty smiles, "Can't wait."

Chuck then got up and headed out. Betty sat there in the booth for a moment -- until she sent Veronica a text message confirming it. Then she got up to see none other than Peter and his dad -- Tony Lockhart in the diner.

Betty and Peter made eye contact. He eyes Betty, a bit confused on why she was dressed up like that, but said nothing of the sorts. But, Tony noticed Betty.

"Oh my," Tony said turning to look at Betty, "Elizabeth Cooper, is that you?"

Betty smiles and walks over, "It's Betty, sir."

He shakes his head, "Sure, sure. It's just wow, you've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you."

Peter was clearly embarrassed, "Dad,"

Tony ignores Peter, "Last time I saw you, you had to have been twelve." He said, "I've been wondering what you had been up to. Seeing as Peter never told me or his mother why he stopped hanging out with you and Archie."

Betty's eyes shift to Peter -- after all this time, he never told his parents that Archie and Betty ditched him. The only ones who knew was the students at school.

"So uh- picking up dinner?" Betty asks.

Tony nods laughing, "Oh yes." He turns to Peter, "I'll go pick up the meal, I'll leave you to your friend."

Peter nods.

"It was nice seeing you again," Tony said.

Betty smiles, "You too, Mr Lockhart."

"Tony," Tony said, "Please."

Betty and Peter walked out of the diner as Tony went to pay and pick up their meal. Betty had found out that his mom wanted to cook and in doing so ruined their meal -- so Tony decided to order from Pop's.

Peter looks at Betty, "So what are you doing here, Betty?"

"I- uh am planning to get back at Chuck for what he did to the other girls." She said.

Peter nods and awkwardly looks away, "Just don't do something you'll regret, okay."

She looks at him, "Don't worry, Pete."

He looks at her, "I'm serious, Betty. I care about you, and I don't want this jerk to be the reason you get hurt or harm someone else."

Betty smiles softly at Peter, "I appreciate you being concerned but don't be, I'll have Veronica with me." She said.

Betty waves bye to Peter and heads onward in the direction she was going in, within a few seconds coming out was Peter's dad -- Tony.

"Ready, Underoos?" Tony asks.

Peter sighs shaking his head, "Dad," He said.


Chuck arrived at Ethel's house at the exact time that Betty had told him. He approached the door -- knocked on it since that's what Betty said. Opening the door was not Betty instead was Veronica. She was wearing a black bathing suit and a cardigan over top.

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