My attention is pulled to the door again when another man appears in the doorway. He is a little older than Fred and turns to Mrs Warrington: "The next door is locked as well. Could you please open that one for me?"

"Can't you ask someone else? I'm busy here," Mrs Warrington sneers annoyed but the man shrugs: "I'm afraid not, ma'am. You are the only one with the keys and all these wards are preventing us to break into the room. Is there a reason you have warded your estate so thoroughly?"

Mrs Warrington glares at the man and sneers: "That is none of your business, young man. I suggest you speak to me with respect."

She storms off, muttering under her breath, and the man waves at me before quickly following the woman.

"That was George," a voice says, and I snap my head up to look at Fred.

Throwing the book aside, I rush to Fred and pull him into a hug. I feel Fred's arm wraps around my waist and hear him mutter in my hair: "I'm so happy I can hold you again."

A sob escapes me which has Fred pull me closer. When we let go, he cups my cheeks and says: "Fleur told us what happened. I read the news in the newspaper and when I saw you at the Ministry, I..."

Fred falls quiet. Tears well up in my eyes and I hug the man again. We stand there for a while before a sound coming from the hallway makes us part. I quickly walk back to the chair, whipping the tears from my cheeks and taking deep breathes.

Fred kneels in front of me and takes my hands. After looking over his shoulder, he says: "We'll get you out of here, I promise you, Elena, we'll get you out. You need a little more patience, love."

I hang onto Fred's hands and sniff: "One of the house-elves said something about next week. The incident at the Ministry must have scared them."

Fred's eyes widen and he shakes his head firmly. Angrily, he says: "I won't have you marry that prick."

I smile at him as Fred presses a kiss on the back of my hands before letting go and standing up. He walks over to another closet. I grab my book again and open it but I can't focus on the words.

Just in time as Mrs Warrington storms back into the room. She narrows her eyes at Fred who has started to pull out all the linen in the drawers of the closet and she sneers: "If you haven't found anything, I ask you to leave this room. My daughter-in-law needs her rest."

"This room is cleared, but we ask you to gather all personal and members of your household to gather in the entrance hall," Fred says and gestures at me, "That includes your daughter-in-law."

Mrs Warrington scoffs at Fred's words but doesn't seem to notice the sneer in Fred's voice as he speaks. The woman grabs my arm and after sending Fred another glare, she drags me out of the room. As we head through the corridor, I see all doors on the first floor have been opened and several people are walking in and out. They are all wearing a similar Ministry of Magic uniform.

At the bottom of the stairs are Cassius and Mr Warrington. The younger man looks bored as he regards the fuss around him but the older wizard is arguing with Arthur.

"One word and you wish you were never born," Mrs Warrington hisses in my ear before pushing me towards her son. The boy wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me closer. Holding myself back not to step away from him, I focus my attention to the two older wizards and try to hear what they are talking about.

"-completely unnecessary, Arthur," Mr Warrington says, anger laced through his voice, "If this is about the girl, you will have to accept Elena wants to marry my son instead of yours."

"This has nothing to do with the engagement of your son, Nicodemus," Arthur answers, "I can't believe you would be so unprofessional. My department received an anonymous tip about dark magic artifacts present in your estate. As the Head of the Office for the Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells Protective Objects, I need to take every tip serious – especially in these dark times."

I have to hold back my laughter when I hear Arthur use Mr Warrington's own words against him. The two men glare at each other before Mr Warrington resigns and turns around. I notice the smile playing around Arthur's mouth as Mr Warrington turns around.

Mrs Warrington has plastered a smile on her face and links her arm through her husband's. She and Mr Warrington regard Arthur has his employees walk back and forth with different objects that are tested by Arthur to see if they contain dark magic.

We have to stay in the entrance hall for an hour before the whole mansion has been searched. Every employee has reported back to Arthur before the man tells Mr Warrington they haven't found any traces of dark magic. He ignores the angry muttering from the Warringtons and gestures for his people to leave the mansion again.

Fred winks at me before following his father's order and I watch as my boyfriend leaves the building.

As soon as the door closes behind Arthur, I step away from Cassius and glare at him. Mrs Warrington sighs before grabbing my arm and taking me back to my room. As we walk back, I scout the corridors for possible escape routes in case the Weasleys don't get to me in time.

I let myself get pushed back into the room and can't help to smile to myself. The room has been cleaned again as if nothing happened, but I spot a flower laying on the desk. Curious, I walk over and take the delicate flower. It's a red carnation and I know this must have come from Fred. Tears well up in my eyes as I stare at the flower and pray they will get me out of here in time.

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