Bad Reputation

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Y/n's pov

I smile as I see him coming down the hallway. I can't help it, he makes me feel a way that others don't. He sees me for me and not for the mistakes I've made.

I turned my attention back to my locker once I seen he noticed me.

"Hey Y/n." He said, as he leaned against the locker beside mine. I smiled, continuing to look in my locker. "Hey."

He shut the door so he could see me, "Are you ever going to look at me?" I could hear the smile in his voice.

I turned to meet his amber eyes, sinking into them.

"That's better." I rolled my eyes, hiding my internal melting. "Now how was your weekend?"

I laughed, "You should know, you were there for most of it." He followed my actions, laughing along with me.

"Yeah, but I want to hear what you thought about it." I heard the curiosity trailing his voice.

"Honestly?" He nodded, signaling for me to go on. "It was one of the best weekends I've had in a long time." A look of satisfaction spread across his face.

"Oh my gosh Shawn. Don't get cocky." I said, nudging his shoulder. "Uh, I think I have the right. The Y/n had an amazing weekend, and it was all because of me."

I rolled my eyes knowing I would never live this down.

"Well here's my class." I said as we reached my homeroom. "Okay, I'll see you later." I smiled, "See you then."

I laughed as I watched him run into his friend Matt as he turned around. As I was about to head into class I heard Matt begin to talk.

"I don't know why you waste your time with that girl. She's been with almost every guy in this school. We've all seen her nudes, and let me tell you dude, she's got a rocking body, but it's just not worth it."

I scoffed at what I heard. This stuff usually doesn't affect me, but I guess it's because who it was being said to.

I don't like for Shawn to think of me like that. He's the only one who truly know the real me, and for him to hear all the rumors scares me.

What if it all becomes too much for him to see through. All the layers of rumors, they become thick and it's hard to see clearly. Sometimes I can't even see the real me, how can I expect him to?

The bell rang signaling the class had started, meanwhile I was still at the door. I looked at the teacher, catching her gaze.

"Mrs. Lee, may I go to the bathroom?" She nodded reluctantly, "Yes you may. But be quick." I gave her a fake smile, "Yes ma'am, I will."

Little did she know I wasn't coming back.


Shawn's pov

I smiled as I watched her walk the rest of her way to class.

I turned around, running into Matt. "Hey dude." I greeted him with a handshake. "Hey. Were you with Y/n again?" He asked looking in the direction of her homeroom.

"Yeah, why?"

"I don't know why you waste your time with that girl. She's been with almost every guy in this school. We've all seen her nudes, and let me tell you dude, she's got a rocking body, but it's just not worth it Shawn."

I shook my head, "That's not why I like her. I'm not in it for her body. I'm in it for her, the real her."

"I'm telling you buddy, it's all probably just an act to get a good guy like you in bed." I pushed him, my anger taking over.

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