I Want What You Have

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Edited 🌼

Your in the living room with Shawn and your daughter watching her favorite movie, an oldie but a good one, the notebook.

You are in Shawn's embrace, cuddled up under the blanket. He's rubbing the small of your back relaxing you after your long day of work.

The movie comes to an end, each of you with tears in your eyes. "I cry every time I watch it." Autumn says. "Me too." Shawn whispered, wiping his eyes.

He stood up. "So what do you want to do now Autumn?" Her eyebrows furrowed together, concentrating. "I want to look at pictures and hear stories about you and Mom."

You looked at Shawn, smiles adorning both of your lips. "Well, I'll go get the scrapbook." You ran up the stairs to the attic to go get the pictures and memories of You and Shawn.

"Hurry Y/n!" He said yelling playfully. "Just chill Shawn, it's not like you lived through it or anything." You yelled sarcastically. "Well I still love to look back and reminisce."

You walked down the stairs and sat, Shawn on your right and Autumn to your left. You grab the first book admiring the cover, a picture of you and Shawn your sophomore year.

You in a simple, but cute dress and Shawn in khakis and a dress shirt with his typical vans. You were outside the doors to go to the homecoming dance.

"You guys were so cute, how old were you? "We were your age sweetie." Shawn said, still gazing at the picture.

"Were you guys dating get?" "No, we were best friends, but after that dance is when it all changed." He said. "Awe how did you ask her out Dad?" "Well...." he looked down playing with his fingers, obviously a little embarrassed.

"Come on Dad, what's wrong? Why won't you just tell me what happened?" Autumn pleaded. You grabbed Shawn's lower thigh, trying not to fall over in laughter.

"What's so funny?" Autumn slumped down, getting impatient. You finally calmed down, Shawn rolling his eyes.

"It's funny because Shawn didn't make the first move. I did." She looked at her Dad with wide eyes. "Are you serious Dad?" "Yeah." He said looking in the other direction getting a bit annoyed.

"So how exactly did you two get together?" "Do you want to tell her or me?" Shawn's face lit up. "I want to tell her." I giggled a little, "Okay, hun."

"Well we were at our homecoming dance. We had liked each other for a while, but neither of us said anything." Shawn paused, thinking.

"A slow song came on. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. I couldn't help but to admire her, looking at her features and natural beauty. She rapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her small waist. She made small talk, but I couldn't focus, I was lost in her eyes, the way they lit up when she would talk."

You began smiling to yourself recalling the events of that night. "Her eyes began to flicker from my eyes to my lips. She leaned in hesitantly, little did she know I wanted it more than she did. And then she kissed me. That is the moment I knew I was gonna marry her."

His eyes met yours, there was still as much love and adoration as there was that day at the homecoming dance.

"I'll never regret making the first move." You said knowing it would push Shawn buttons. "Whatever" he began ticking your sides. You were laughing uncontrollably, feeling like you were 15 again.

"Shawn...please...stop!" You said in between laughs. "Okay, okay."

"I don't care how it happened Shawn, I'm just glad it did." "Me too, darling. I love you so much." You began to lean in, lost in the moment, forgetting your daughter was there. You pulled back when you saw her smiling out of the corner of your eye.

"I hope to have what have what you two have one day." She sighed. "And you will, you will find a man that is as great as your father is. You deserve the world."

Shawn smiled, "Yes Autumn you do, you are amazing just like your mom, and you will find that amazing guy who will give the world to you....but it won't be till you're 30." Shawn said protectively.

"I know, I know Dad." She said rolling her eyes, giving her dad a hug.

You looked at your family and couldn't be happier. Your love for each other has taken you guys so far and you can't wait to see what more the future holds.


A/N: hope you like it. I'm here to talk if you need. I'm here for you guys. Comment and vote please. Love you ❤️

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