American Idol

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Y/n pov

We are on our way to Tennessee so I can go audition for American Idol. I have my parents, brother, and my best friend with me.

I'm so freaking nervous. We are literally twenty minutes away from getting to the studio where the auditions are held.

My parents tell me I have no reason to be nervous because I have a beautiful voice, but I can't help but to be.

I don't think I will make it, but everyone back home is sure that I will. I hope I do, but it probably won't happen.

"We're here." My Mom said snapping me out of my thoughts. We got out of the car, and walked to the line to register.

I felt my stomach turn with every passing minute. I mean how can it not be. I'm going to be singing in front Luke Bryan, Shawn Mendes, and Katy Perry, some of the biggest names in the music business.

I love them all, but Shawn is my favorite by far. I've been such a huge fan of him for a long time. I love him so much. I just hope that he likes my voice. If I don't get a golden ticket to Hollywood, I hope I at least get a yes from Shawn.

After hours of waiting we finally made our way to the front of the line. "What's your name?" The lady behind the table asked politely. I smiled. "My name is y/f/n."

She smiled, and grabbed my file. "19 years old?" She asked. "Yes ma'am." She nodded her head giving me sticker. My number read "30125". I smiled widely as I placed the sticker on my stomach area.

"Good luck Y/n. Maybe we will see you in Hollywood." "Thank you. I hope so."

I walked through door and into the waiting room. I looked around nervously at all the people. The next American Idol can be in here, and it very possibly isn't me.

I sat down next to, what seemed to be, a nice girl. My family and best friend all pilled in next to me.

"Hey how old are you?" I asked the girl next to me. "I'm 17." She said nervously. "How old are you?" I smiled warmly at her. "I'm 19." She nodded. "You nervous?" I nodded. "Terrified." She laughed. "Me too."

"What's your name?" I asked her. "Hazel Smith." "Awe that's a pretty name." "Thank you. What's yours?" "Y/n. Y/f/n."

She stuck out her hand. "Nice to meet you     "Y/n." I shook her hand. "Nice to meet you too."

"Hazel Smith." Her name got called. "Well I guess I have to go. Wish me luck." "Good luck Hazel! I'm sure you'll do amazing!" I called out to her. She turned back and smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

"How're you feeling?" My Mom asked me. "Excited, but I'm really nervous." "That's to be expected." "But don't let it get to your head to much sis. You'll do great." My brother said. "Thanks." I said giving him a hug.

"Y/f/n!" I turned my head. He smiled and waved his hand, signaling for me to follow him. My whole family got up and followed him.

"Here you are." He said politely. I looked up to see Ryan Seacrest. My eyes widened. "Oh my gosh it's you! I grew up watching you, and I've dreamed of standing in this very place for years!" I practically yelled. He laughed.

"Well it's nice to meet you." He said. "You too!"

"Well tell me a little about yourself." "Um...well this is my best friend. She has been here with me for as long as I can remember." I said giving her a hug.

"And this is my Mom, my dad, and my brother." I said pointing at them. "They've been here since day one, supporting me through it all. I couldn't have asked for a better family." I said. Ryan smiled.

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