Home Game

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A/N: I'm sorry that there is like a thousand time skips but I hope you guys like it anyway 😂

I smiled as my phone lit up with Shawn's name. Shawn and I both have feelings for each other, but it's nothing official.

We are still getting to know each other, asking each other the basic questions. I guess you could say we are talking.

So they really spelled
your name wrong
on the team shirt?

                                                   Yes, they really did  😂

So what's your jersey

11, why?

Just wondering

When's your next
home game?


Alright, I'll be there
to cheer you on 💕

You really don't
have to Shawn

I want to :)

Awe, thanks <3

"What's lover boy saying now?" I smiled and looked at my friend. "What are you talking about?"

"Come on Y/n, you only smile like that when it has something to do with Shawn." I laughed, "Okay okay."

I got up and showed her the texts, "Awe. He's so sweet." I smiled, "I know." I looked up at her to see her already looking at me.

"What?" She smiled, "It's just good to see you so happy again." That warmed my heart. "Awe, thank you." I embraced her in a hug.

"Now lets get to practice, we don't want coach to yell at us again."


"Ugh I'm not ready for this home game!" I yelled, but only my friend heard me due to it being so loud in the locker room.

"Why not?" She said while laughing. "I don't like home games, they put me in a weird mood." She nodded, "Yeah I agree. That field just has bad vibes."

I finished buttoning my pants so I grabbed my belt, slipping it through the loops of my pants.

I laughed as I had to tighten the belt so much, due to my uniform being too big.

"You ready?" I asked my friend as I grabbed my softball bag. "Yeah." She grabbed her bag and we headed towards the bus that takes us to the field.

"So is your mans coming to the game?" I laughed at the name she used for Shawn, "Well first off, he's not my mans. And second I don't really know, we haven't talked about it since that day."

She frowned, "I hope he shows up, because if he doesn't I'll have to give him a talkin' to." Her words made me laugh.

"If be doesn't show up then it'll be okay." She rolled her eyes. "I don't know why you act like these things don't bother you." I sighed, "Because I try not to let my whole life revolve around one person. That's how you get hurt."

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