A Little Too Much

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No one knows the pain that I feel everyday. I feel so alone, but nobody knows. I here what everybody says, what my family says. They say I'm so strong for going through what I have, but am I?

Am I fake if I don't show people how I really feel and how I really am? Is it wrong of me to not tell anyone about the nights I cry myself to sleep while I think about everything that is wrong with my life.

I hide my pain. I want to be seen as strong for my friends and family. I want to be someone stable they can lean on, but how can I be when I'm pretty unstable myself.

I know I need to be strong because I know people have it harder than me. And for that reason I don't tell anybody. I feel like I won't be heard.

Sometimes I just don't understand why my dads job is more important than I am, or why no matter what I do I never truly fit in.

I don't get why everyone at school is fake. Why does everyone talk behind everyone's back? Why can't we just be truthful to everyone? Why can't we all be kind? Because not a one of us is better than anyone else. I just don't understand.

I guess I needed to vent this out, but I know that it'll get better. I know that I can get through this. Everyone feels like this every now and then right?

I just sometimes doubt that it'll get better, but I know it will.

I know you probably won't read this Shawn since you're busy and all with unpacking from tour, but I remember you telling me that you'd be there for me always, and I guess I'm just hoping it's still true.


I finished reading the note as I wiped my tears. Why haven't I been there for her? I know I was on tour, but I could've texted her everyday asking her about how she was doing. She deserves that. She's my best friend.

I grabbed my keys and phone, and ran down the stairs.

"I'm leaving to go to Y/n's, Mum! I'll be back soon!" I yelled as I closed the door. I got into my car and sped to Y/n's house.

I didn't even knock. I just ran into her house. I looked in the living room, but only saw her mom, aka my second mom.

"Hi Mom. Where is Y/n?" She smiled. "Hey Shawn. She's upstairs in her room." She said pointing up the stairs.

I ran up the all too familiar stair case and into her room. Her puffy eyes widened as I entered her room.

"Shawn?" She said barely above a whisper. I sat down on her bed. "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you never call Y/n? I would've been there for you." She looked down.

"I know Shawn. I just didn't want to bother you. You were living your dream, and I'm just me." She paused and took a deep breath, making her hiccups.

"I didn't want to bother you with my problems. They aren't worth any of your time Shawn." I felt tears building up in my eyes as I saw my best friend breaking right in front of me.

I grabbed her shaking hands, causing her to smile a little. She looked at our hands and back into my eyes.

"You could never bother me. You are more important that any concert or interview. I would stop everything just to make sure you're alright. Y/n please don't ever hesitate to text or call me. I'm always here." She nodded her head.

"I know Shawn. Thank you." She said as she hugged me. I cupped her cheek with my hand.

"Please don't ever give up Y/n. I need you." I smiled as the blush reached her cheeks. "Really?" I nodded. "Of course. You are the most important person in my life. I couldn't survive without you."

"I guess you're alright too Mendes." She says smirking, causing me to laugh. "Whatever. You know you love me." She smiles. "You're right I do." I smile as the blood rushes to my cheeks. "I love you too." "Okay now come here." She says lifting up the blankets so I could under with her.

So there we sat happily. I know we aren't official, but I know one day when the day is right we will be. And knowing that will forever make me happy.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed it. THANK YOU GUYS FOR 4K READS. Love you guys ❤️.

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