Tour pt. 1

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Today was Shawn's last day before tour, and I am pretty bummed. I'm spending my whole day with Shawn, which makes me happy.

We were just sitting on the couch at his parents place. He has already moved out, but he is always here. I love that about him though. I'm glad him and his family have such a good relationship.

I looked at the clock to see that it was already midnight. I sighed.

"I should go. You need your rest for the early flight tomorrow." I said trying to free myself from his arms. He gave me a tired smile, and tightened his grip, causing me to laugh.

"Shawn! You have to get some rest. Let me go." I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled, only causing me to laugh more.

"You need your rest too." He said, causing me to stop. "Why would I need rest?" He grinned. "Because you're going on tour with me." My eyes widen in shock, until I realize that there is no way I could afford it.

"Shawn I can't afford that." He smirks. "It's free Y/n. It's all been paid for, the tickets, the food, everything." He beams, causing me to smile also. "Okay Shawn, but what about my parents, and my luggage. I haven't packed, and the flight is in the morning.

"It's all taken care of already." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah I'm sure you could convince them." I said sarcastically. He gets up and pulls my suitcase out from behind the couch.

"I still don't believe you. You could've very well just bought a suitcase that looked just like mine." I said joking with him, but he didn't know that. He sighed.

"Mum, Dad, Aaliyah! Can you come here please?" He said, calling them from the kitchen.

"Will you please tell this girl that she is going on tour with me." They all smile, as I'm trying to hold in my laughter.

"You are going on tour with Shawn. Everything is already taken care of." Manny says. "Okay. Now do you believe me." I burst out laughing.

"I believed you before Shawn. I was just messing with you." He glares at me, a smile still evident on his face.

He began walking towards me and I start backing up slowly.

"Shawn?" I hear Aaliyah laugh. "You better run Y/n." I take off and run up the stairs straight into Shawn's room, and shut the door behind me. I looked down only to realize he didn't have a lock. I sigh as I get ready to use all my strength try to keep the door shut.

I hear Shawn's footsteps stop once he reaches the door. He knocks.

"Come on Y/n. Let me in." "Nice try sucker. That's not going to work." I heard him chuckle. "Guess we are going to have to do this the hard way." He says, causing me to push as hard as I can to keep the door shut.

"Oh no. You're too strong Y/n. I can't open it." He says jokingly as he only jiggles the knob. "Whatever Shawn. We all know you can't open this door even if you tried." I said still pushing as hard as I can.

"Oh yeah." He says right before he opens the door with ease.

I sit down on his bed and cross my arms. He looks at me holding back his laughter. I look at him pouting. "It's not funny." He gets down on his knees so he is level with me. (A/N: don't even think anything dirty 😂)

"Oh I'm sorry." He says taking my hands in his. I turn my head the opposite way, partially to seem dramatic, but also to keep myself from laughing.

"Awe. What can I do to make it up to you." I lie down on the bed with my arms outreached to him.

"Cuddle." He smiles softly as he crawls into bed, wrapping his arms around me. "Is that better?" He said looking down at me. I smile and nod, as I put my head on his chest.

"Goodnight Shawn." I say as he kisses my head. "Goodnight Y/n."


"Wake up Y/n. We have to be at the airport in 2 hours." I stretch and get out of the bed. Shawn was already dressed and I was barely waking up.

I grabbed some clothes and  my toothbrush from my suitcase down stairs and headed to the bathroom.

I changed into some leggings and one of Shawn's sweatshirts. I brushed my teeth, rinsed my hair, and quickly threw my hair into a messy bun.

I walked back into Shawn's room to see him on his bed scrolling through Instagram. He looked up at me and grinned. I returned the smile and sat on his lap.

"You look really good in my clothes." "Thanks." I said holding back my smile.

"Now lets go. It takes a while to get to the airport." He says as he tries to get up. I get off his lap so he can fully get up.

He grabs his suitcase and heads down the stairs as I follow closely behind him.

"And don't worry. You're parents will be there to say goodbye to you." I smiled. "Good." I say as we reached the bottom of the stairs.

I looked around for my suitcase to find it by the front door. I try to pick it up only to find out it was a lot heavier than I thought it was. As I try to pick it up again I hear Shawn laugh from behind me. I look back and glare at him causing him to laugh.

"Don't worry I got it Y/n. You just get the door." He said making me smile. "Thank you." "You're welcome."

I walk with him to the car and open the trunk for him.

"You guys got everything?" Manny says from the drivers seat. "Yup lets go." Shawn says as we buckle our seat belts.


"Flight number 257 to Amsterdam." We all get up and Shawn hugs his family, as I hug mine.

"Bye honey. We will miss you." My Mom says. "I'll miss you too." I say as I give them one last hug.

"We will miss you son." Manny says. "And take care of the girl." He continues. Shawn smiled. "Trust me I will." He says looking back at me.

"Yeah you better." My Dad says, causing us all to laugh.

He says his goodbyes to the rest of his family as I gather up our carry-ons.

"And bye Y/n. Have a good time with Shawn." Karen says giving me a hug. "Thank you."

"Bye Y/n. I'll miss having you around." Aaliyah says hugging me. "And you won't miss me?" Shawn asks. "Not as much as I'll miss her." He puts his hand on his chest, signaling his hurt. "I see how it is. I still love you though." She smiles. "I love you too."

He gives her one last hug then takes his bag from my hands and taking my hand in his other.

We board the plane and sit down in our seats.

"Go ahead and get some rest. It's going to be a long flight." I smile as I rest my head on shoulder. He kisses the top of my head before he places his on mine.

"This is going to be the best tour yet." I hear him whisper before I drift off to sleep.

A/N: Hope you like it guys. There will be a second part soon. Love you guys! ❤️

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