New Me

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We pulled into the parking lot. "Are you ready?" Shawn asked, cutting the engine. I smiled, "Yeah, just nervous."

He reached over the console, placing his hand on mine. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." I gave him a warm smile. "I know. Thank you."

He nodded, "Of course. Now let's go." We got out of the car and headed inside. I looked around the very familiar office I had been into many times.

"What's the name?" The receptionist asked, a tired smile on her face. "Y/n." She typed my name in the computer.

"Yup, Y/n today at 9:30. Right on time. You can have a seat and they will call you back when they are ready."

I nodded, "Thank you." Shawn grabbed my hand leading me with him to sit down. My leg began bouncing up and down from nervousness.

Shawn noticed, placing his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and saw a smile on his face, his eyes meeting mine.

"It'll be okay Y/n. It'll happen so quick and we will get to see what we've been waiting for almost 2 years now."

I put my hand on his. "I know, I'm just nervous. What if I don't like it." He smiled, "Come on, you know you will be beautiful."

I rolled my eyes, smiling, "Thanks Shawn."

"Y/n." The nurse called me to the back. I looked at Shawn. He gave me a big encouraging smile, "Don't worry babe, you'll look great."

I followed the nurse to the back, sitting in the chair like she instructed me.

"Okay, the doctor will come to check them and see if everything looks good. And if it does we will take those bad boys right off. Sound good?" I nodded.

"Are you excited?" I smiled. "Yeah." She nodded, "Good. The doctor will be here in a little bit."

What after seemed like 20 minutes, the doctor finally came.

"Hi miss Y/n. How are you doing today?" He asked. "I'm doing good, thank you." "Good."

He told the doctor to pull up my old x-rays. He smiled, "You and your smile have come a long way."

"Here, I'm gonna look real quick and see if everything is lined up like we want it, and if it looks good I will just pop them right off, alright?"

I nodded, "Sounds good."

"Okay open wide for me." He stuck the little mirror in my mouth looking at all angles of my teeth.

"Okay now bite down." I bit down, him looking at my smile. "Everything looks good. All I'm gonna do is put these pliers in there and pop them off. You will feel a little pressure, but it shouldn't be too bad."

I nodded, smiling, "Okay." "Open wide again." He stuck the pliers in my mouth, reaching for my back molar.

I felt some pressure and heard a click. I tried my hardest not to smile, but I couldn't help myself when I realized they were finally coming off.

"Okay I got them all of, so go brush your teeth so you can get the leftover glue off." I nodded heading to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth which was pretty gross to be honest.

I rinsed my mouth out and headed back to where the doctor was.

"We are going to file you're teeth so they're all even and pretty." I nodded.

They began filing my teeth, it hurt a little bit on my bottom teeth but that was about it. Overall there was hardly any pain.

"Well congratulations Y/n. You're smile looks great. I'm gonna go to the next patient and she will get you taken care of." I smiled.

"Thank you."

The nurse grabbed the box of retainers, "You're gonna have to wear these day and night for 6 months. Then after that you're good to wear them at just nighttime. I know it's a little much but, we just want to make sure you're teeth don't move since we've spent so much time on them."

I smiled, "No I get it. I'm sure my parents wouldn't like it if they spent 6k on my teeth and I let them move back anyway."

She laughed, "Yeah I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like the idea of that." I laughed, "Probably not."

"Well try these on and I'll look at them to see if they fit all good."

I grabbed them out of the box, "And don't bite to put them in. Place them on your teeth and press from the back to the front. And you're going to take them off the same way."

I nodded, "Okay." I put them both on and smiled. She looked my teeth over and saw that they were all good.

"Okay now we will take you right over here and we will have you take a couple x-rays and pictures."

(Blah blah blah skip the x-rays and pictures)

"Okay come back in two months to see how those retainers fit. You can make you're appointment at the front desk or at home over the phone." I smiled.

"Thank you." I walked nervously to the front to see an already smiling Shawn. I tried my hardest not to smile, hiding my teeth.

He got up smiling, "Come on let me see." I shook my head no, keeping my mouth shut. "Y/n just let me see."

I turned around smiling, heading towards the exit.

"Okay that's your choice." I suddenly felt a pair of arms around my waist, putting me over their shoulder.

"Shawn stop!" He opened the door to the exit and began walking to the car. "Not until you let me see your teeth."

"No." I laughed. "Okay..." He pushed me even farther back, holding me by calves now. "Shawn I'm sorry! I'll show you!"

He happily put me down, "I figured that'd get ya." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." He smiled, "Now show me that beautiful new smile."

I smiled at him as he stared at me, "You look absolutely stunning. I thought you were beautiful before, but now. Flawlessly beautiful."

I rolled my eyes, laughing, "Thank you Shawn." I started heading for the passenger door when he ran ahead of me, opening the door.

"If you think I'm joking I'm not, you're gorgeous Y/n." I smiled, "Thank you, so are you."

He smiled and kissed my forehead before he closed my door, running to the other side so we could start heading home.


A/N: Yes I know not everyone has braces, so for that part I'm sorry. And I know it's cheesy and a little young, but I haven't wrote anything like this for a while. I kinda missed writing sorta silly ones, because that's how I started on here so it's good to go back to that sometimes. It's not good to always write serious ones, its about experimenting.

Anyway, I hope you liked it!


Love ya!!! ❤️

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