Tutoring Aaliyah

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I woke up and looked at the clock that read 5:30 pm. I had been asleep for about two hours. I decided to go downstairs and ask Autumn, my little sister, if she wanted something to eat since my mom and dad were still at work.

"Hey Autumn do you want anything to eat?" "Sure. Can Aaliyah stay for dinner?" I looked up to see Aaliyah in the couch with my sister.

"Hey Aaliyah! And yeah she can, just make sure it's okay with her parents." "Yeah she already asked, she can stay." I nodded.

"Okay where do you girls want to go to eat?" "Pizza Hut!" They said in unison. I laughed a little.

"Okay. Let me go freshen up then we can go," "Okay." They replied staring at their phones.

I ran upstairs and took my hair out of the messy bun, sprayed on some perfume, put on my shoes and purse, and ran down the stairs.

"Are you girls ready?" "Yes!" They quickly jumped to their feet and ran out the door. "Slow down. You can't get there without me." They just laughed.

I unlocked the door and we all hopped in. The girls in the back and me in the drivers seat of course.

After a ten minute car ride we arrived at Pizza Hut. We went inside and the waitress sat us down at a booth. She took our order and brought us our drinks.

"So Y/n, Aaliyah wanted to ask you a question." "Oh yeah?" I smiled at Aaliyah. "Yeah. I was actually wondering if you would help me out with my math a couple times a week. My mom already said it was alright." She said.

"I would love to. Where would you like to study. My house or yours?" "My house. If you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

The waitress brought us our pizza and we continued the night laughing and talking. After we dropped Aaliyah off and went home.

(Thursday after school)

I walked through the doors and heard the phone ringing. "I've got it Mom." "Okay thanks hun." My mom yelled from across the house.

I picked up the phone. "Hello who's this?" I asked. "Oh this is Karen, Aaliyah's mum." A lady with an accent said. "Oh. Did you need to talk to me about something?"

"Actually yes. Are you still coming over at 4:30 to help Aaliyah with her math?" "Yes ma'am."

"Okay I just thought I'd let you know that it will be just her and her brother there today." My heart began racing. "Oh okay."

"He's your age maybe you know him. Shawn?" "Um yeah I think I know him."

I lied. I didn't just know him, I've had a crush on him for a little while now. I haven't talked to him that much though. We haven't had a class since freshman year and we don't really have the same friends group.

He is popular and I'm just an average girl. I have popular friends, but I'm just not a part of the popular crowd.

"Hello? Y/n?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh sorry." She laughed. "It's fine. I was just making sure it was okay with you."

"Yeah it's totally fine." "Okay thanks Y/n, bye." "No problem, Bye." I hung up the phone as my mom walked into the living room.

"Who was that?" "Oh it was just Karen telling me that it was going to just be Aaliyah, Shawn and I." That definitely caught her attention. She turned to face me.

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